Part eight

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Two weeks later

I threw myself dramatically onto the couch in our dressing room and immediately closed my eyes, hoping to catch up on some sleep that Jade's relentless kisses had stollen from me last night. Sam's voice drowned on in the background telling us the schedule for the next few days in Germany.

"I hope your listening to me Perrie"

I squinted my eyes open to be met by Sam's harsh glare.

"Yes I'm listening, interviews, promotion, blah blah blah..."

I caught Jade's eye as she snorted out a laugh.

"Jade" Sam admonished, "You're ment to set a good example. Keep Perrie on the straight and narrow"

Jade's eyes held a cheeky glint, "Oh don't you worry Sam, I won't lead Pezza astray" she winked at me before settling in front of the large mirror opposite the couch.

We held eye contact for a few more minutes, before Sam awkwardly cleared her throat.

"Uh okay. Anyways you're off tomorrow so feel free to go out tonight.."

Leigh immediately started screaming and jumping up and down, pulling Jesy's arm as she did. Earning her a slap from the older girl.

"Just be good..." Sam tried to shout over Leigh-Anne.

"Oh my god, Jadey you have to wear that new jumpsuit you got, your bum looks amazing in it..." Leigh-Anne continued to scream, oblivious to the scornful look that Sam was giving her.

"Don't worry Sam, we'll behave" Jesy pipped up, "Right Pez?" She raises a brow at me, fixing me with a pointed stare.

"Uh ya, right" I answered. Jesy held me gaze for another few minutes before going back to her phone. Well that was strange. Surely she didn't suspect anything. I mean how could she, Jade and I had only been together two weeks and we hadn't even been actually together during that time. Other than some very hot makeout sessions we had kept tings pretty PG. That did nothing to stave off the feeling of dread that filled me at the idea of being caught.

"Hello, earth to Perrie" I snapped out of my thoughts to see Jade waving her hand in front of my face. I couldn't help the smile I felt grace my lips. What was there to be afraid of when I had her, somehow Jade made me feel stronger- less afraid.

"I need to go to the bathroom, come with?" She held her hand out to me. I immediately grabbed it and let her pull me to my feet, where we walked hand in hand out of the dressing room.

We stayed silent as we walked, our hands interlinked, Jade occasionally swinging them earning a giggle from me. When we reached the bathroom she held the door open to allow me to walk in first.

"Such a gentlewoman"

"Only for you" she smirked, patting my bum as I walked by her.

"Oi, cheeky"

I took a quick glance in the mirror as Jade went into the stall. I couldn't help but notice how large my nose looked. Bags were evident under my eyes and my face appeared pinched. I didn't hear Jade until she wrapped her arms behind me.

"Watcha doing baba". Our eyes met in the mirror. I savored the moment, noting how good our skin tones looked together.

"We look good together" I blurted out, which brought a dark shade of red to my cheeks. Jade raised an eyebrow at me through the mirror, a slight frown on her face but made no comment. After another few moments of silence she gave my waist a light squeeze, "Come on, we better get back to the girls" and with a last glance in the mirror she made her way towards the bathroom door.

The air between us seemed different and I had the distinct impression that I had said something wrong. As she went to exit the bathroom I lightly held her wrist.

"Is everything okay Jade?"

"It's fine Perrie, come on, we better go" she said with a small smile.

As we walked back along the corridor towards our dressing room I raked my mind for what could have caused her sudden change in mood. I didn't want to seem pushy by questioning her again. I did however, notice that her hand remained loosely by her side and not wrapped in mine.

5 hours later

I added the finishing touches to makeup and placed my Russian red Mac lipstick in my bag. Jade's favourite shade.

"Jade are you nearly done" I called as I looked around for my phone.

"Ya one minute" came the faint reply. Something was definitely up with her, she had been acting strange since earlier. My plan was simple; get both of us drunk, that way I would have the courage to ask her what was wrong and she would be open enough to telling me how she felt. What could possibly go wrong? I tried to keep my mind off the many, many, flaws in my plan.

The sound of high heels coming towards me made me look up. It was like someone had punched me straight in the gut- all the air was knocked out of my lungs. Jade was so beautiful that it was almost painful to look at her.

"Wow" I said dumly, finding it hard for my brain to formulate the right words.

"You've quite literally taken my breath away"

Jade blushed at my comment but replied cooly "It's not like you haven't seen me dressed up before".

Yep. She was definitely pissed off about something. I grabbed my purse and phone and held the door to our hotel room open for her while offering a small smile. She opened her mouth as though she was about to say something. Maybe I wouldn't have to put my stupid flawed plan into action after all.

"Oi Oi Pezza, looking sexy"

Jade quickly closed her mouth. It took all of my self control not to scream at Jesy for interrupting what Jade was going to say. I took a calming breath before I turned to look at my two best friends.

"Girls, you look beautiful" I complimented, even if I wanted to ring Jesy's neck, I couldn't deny that she looked stunning in her black one shouldered dress.

Jesy slipped her hand into mine and began to pull me towards the lift, I couldn't help but notice they weren't as smooth as Jade's hands. "Come on Pez, I feel like we haven't hung out in ages, you're all mine tonight" Jesy laughed while pinching my cheeks.

She dropped her voice so only I could hear, "You know you can tell me whatever it is that's going on, I'm always here".

I glanced up at her, taken aback, "I know Jes, you're my best friend" I answered her, I couldn't help the emotion that bubbled up in my throat. I was lucky to have her. I pulled Jesy into a quick hug, closing my eyes so I could pull myself together.

"Are you trying to steal my girl Jesminda" Jade's smooth voice from behind us sent a shiver down my spine. I went to pull out of the hug, but Jesy kept her arm wrapped around my waist.

"Nope you can keep her, Lesy is supreme" Jesy cackled. I laughed as I heard Leigh-Anne chanting 'Lesy,Lesy'. She finally let go of me as we all exited the hotel and pilled into the waiting car, I couldn't help but notice that Jade sat as far away from me as possible. Her constant change in mood was confusing me, I had to figure out what was going on with her. Looks like I'm going to have to go with my plan after all.

Flaws and all.

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