Part twelve

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Tan arms pulled me towards them, peppering kisses all over my exposed shoulder. A lazy smile graced my lips.

"Mmm that feels nice" I mumbled into my pillow as I heard Jade's angelic giggle fill my ears.

"Up you get lazy bum, we've been asleep nearly two hours and I want that surprise"

I could hear the smile in her voice. I turned around quickly, grabbing her hips, and flipping us over so that she lay under me.

"Demanding little thing aren't you"

Looking down at Jade's features I felt myself melt into even more of a lovesick puddle. Her hair was a mess from our earlier activities, her cheeks pink and her eyes. Oh god, her eyes held that sparkle that I tried not to read to deeply into. Don't even go there Perrie I thought to myself. I gave her lips a quick peck and hoped out of the bed.

"Let's go enjoy your surprise so"

40 minutes later

I grabbed Jade's hand as we left our hotel room and made our way towards the lift. Nothing could wipe the grin from my face, not with Jade's hand wrapped in mine. I took a quick look around as we stepped outside the hotel door. I had planned my day with Jade under the idea that we wouldn't be mobbed the minute we left the hotel.

"Hopefully no-one will notice us" I laughed nervously as I tightened my grip on Jade's hand. "We don't have too far to go anyways so it should be okay". She offered me a wide smile.

"Don't worry Pez, it will be perfect"

I returned her smile as we set off down the street, hands joined and slightly swinging between us. We talked about how we were looking forward to getting back home after promo and the upcoming promo shows that we had. Safe topics. What I really wanted to talk about was how we had sex a few hours ago and now I had no barriers left around my heart. How no-one else's hand could ever fit so perfectly with mine. How her smile could light up my day, every day, no matter what. How I was quite convinced that I had developed a heart condition in the last month because of the way it skipped and jumped whenever she was around.

I took a quick glance at the tanned goddess beside me, her eyes were covered by her sunglasses but she looked relaxed. Happy. My heart felt giddy with hope.

" Hey Pez" I glanced over at her again.

"Ya?" She looked around, checking if anyone was listening, before she dropped her voice to a low whisper.

" Are you worried about the fact that we're promoting an album and it's not even finished yet?"

" I mean it's not ideal, but I have no doubt that it will be fixed and ready to go in time" I gave her hand a squeeze " I would prefer to be under pressure than have songs in there that we aren't happy with" she smiled.

" True. You always know what to say"

Ironic, I thought to myself, I can't seem to being to know what to say these days. We rounded the corner into the old town. Brightly colored buildings and terracotta tiles shone in the warm Spanish sun. The city really was breathtaking.

"Wow" Jade breathed out " Its beautiful here"

She released my hand and pulled out her phone snapping pictures as we walked towards the square and an unassuming aqua blue building. I steered Jade towards the entrance.

"Wait here a minute bubba" I called over my shoulder as I stepped inside. The interior was in complete opposition to the exterior, whitewashed walls reflected the midday sun, filling the room with a warm glow. A middle aged woman stood at the bar while a few of the tables were being served. I made my way towards the bar, keeping my sunglasses in place.

"Maria?" I questioned as I reached the bar.

The woman turned to look at me with a wide smile.

"Ah yes, you must be Perrie" I cast an anxious glance around "Don't worry my darling girl, I have been very discreet with your request, follow me"

We walked back towards the entrance, where Jade stood, Maria bent her head in greeting but said nothing else as she began to climb a stone stairs at the side of the building.

"Come on love" I murmured to Jade.

The stairs lead to a large rooftop garden with views out over the square. An ornate table was set in the middle of the floor, where another young woman stood. I looked at Maria nervously.

"Don't worry darling, she is my daughter, she has no interest in spreading gossip"

I visibly relaxed and took the seat Maria held out for me across from Jade.

"Good afternoon, my name is Martha and I'll be your server for your meal" she smiled kindly at us as she placed a menu card on the table and disappeared from sight. I caught Jade staring at me.

"Perrie, I can't believe you did all this" Jade gestured around with her hand "It's amazing."

She leaned forward and grabbed my hand.

"You're amazing"

My cheeks turned crimson and I ducked my head trying to hide how much her words affected me. When I had myself back under control I gave her hand a small squeeze.

"I'm glad you like it. I wanted to say thank you" I could feel my cheeks heating up again "you know, for uh- well for"

" You didn't have to Pez, I'll always help you. You mean so much to me" I stared into her eyes.

"You mean so much to me too"

A cough brought us out of our intense eye contact. "Are you ready to order ladies"

In all honesty I was so caught up in Jade, I had forgotten that Martha was even here. Seeing the blank expressions on both our faces and the untouched menu card on the table Martha looked at me with a knowing smile.

"Perhaps a medley of the chefs specials?"

"That sounds perfect" Jade smiled at her.

I stood from the table and walked to the edge of the roof garden where the old town glistened below us. I felt tan arms wrap around me from behind. I closed my eyes and smiled. I had never felt more loved or protected in my life. Jade was gently rubbing her hands over my stomach. I felt so peaceful, the gently hum of the city below us and the woman I loved wrapping me up in her arms.

It took me a few minutes to realise that she wasn't just caressing my stomach but tracing my scars from two nights ago. I tried to stay calm. There's no way she could know about them. Right? Except for the fact that she saw me naked this morning when we had sex. Oh god.

"Ladies, your meal is served" Martha called. Jade placed a quick peck on my cheek and made her way back towards the table. Maybe she didn't know. I took a steadying breath and followed Jade back, trying to act normal. I took my seat across from her and smiled at Martha as she placed the food on our table. Once she had left I glanced up at Jade, she had a wide smile on her face as she lifted her glass towards me in a salute.


I mustered a smile in return.

Cheers, I thought sadly. Here's to unrequited love and secrets.

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