Part two

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I came to with hair in my face and a dead arm. At some stage during the ride, I had turned so that I lay on my side with Jade wrapped up in my arms. I tried to move off the couch without waking her up, managing to slip out while Jade stayed fast asleep.

I stretched my arms above my head and felt my bones click back into place. I brushed my wild hair off my face and made my way to the back of the bus while yawing.

"That look takes bed head to a whole other level pez" Leigh laughed as she munched on some nachos.

"Leigh it's like 8 am" I commented while pointing at the bag.

"Well I guess then you won't want any, will you?"

"As if, throw some here" I said while rolling my eyes. "Where's Jes" I asked shoving some of the crisps into my mouth.

"Attractive" Leigh giggles. Before I can answer a sleepy, and may I say adorable, Jade wanders towards us.

"Hey poppey, did you have a good rest" I smile while automatically reaching my arms towards her. She settles into my lap and lets out a content groan as I rub my fingers through her hair.

"Where did you go? I woke up cause my cuddle bear was gone" she pouted. I tried to keep my grin to a minimum. "Poor baby" I cooed.

I looked over to see Leigh-Anne looking at us with amusement- "You guys are honestly so gay"

I open my mouth to respond just as the bus stops and Jesy pokes her head around the door, "Come along children, we have a radio audience to woo".

We march off the bus and soon enough find ourselves set up with the interviewer across from us. Interviews in the morning are evil as far as I'm concerned. I mean my body is barely awake never mind my brain how am I ment to answer questions? I thank my lucky stars that it's not televised, at least there's that.

The interviewer rolls through the usual questions, asking about our album and upcoming tour- LM5. And then it comes to the dreaded topic. It takes everything in me not to roll my eyes when the interviewer turns and says "So Perrie, everyone is still talking about Shout out to my ex, it's obviously from your last album and written about Zayn, did you find writing this track gave you some closure?".

I grit my teeth and try to keep my smile in place, I'm sure it looks manic, again I'm thankful this isn't televised. I probably look like I'm about to explode. I catch Jade's eye from beside me, she rests a calming hand on my knee and begins to rub soothing circles around the area.

I take a deep breath, "Well, as we said before, several times, the song isn't about one specific person, it's about any ex.."

"That's hard to believe though, what with you having such a public break up" he cuts across me "I mean even your fans think it's about him"

I'm squeezing my fist so tight that my knuckles have turned white. "  Again, it's really not about one particular ex, it's just a feel good breakup song". I glance over at Jesy for some backup, she's looking at the interviewer as if she's wondering which limb to break first.

I try to muffle a laugh at her expression and turn it into a cough, as Jesy says "We want people to take from the song whatever they want, beyond that we're here to promote our new album not give airtime to ex's". She laughs at the end but her eyes give away how angry she is.

The interviewer must pick up on it, as he clears his throat and awkwardly chuckles while saying "You heard it here first folks, that's about all we have time for. Thanks to the girls for coming in and here it is, Little mix with their new single Woman like me ft. Nicki Minaj".

The intro begins to play and I breath a sigh of relief as I move out of my chair. Jade grabs my hand and leads me towards the door. Just 5 more interviews to get through I think to myself, surely I can lie for 5 more interviews. I feel the usual guilt swirl in my stomach as I squeeze Jades hand tighter and step outside into the mayhem and flashing lights.

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