Part eighteen

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A/N: Smut.


I felt the gently hum of lust running through me the whole way through the shoot, it didn't help that Jade looked hotter than hell or the fact that my underwear was coated with my arousal so that every time I moved I could feel the effect Jade had on me. By the time Sam told us we could leave I was ready to take Jade in the taxi if it ment getting some relief. I grabbed all my bits in record time and stood waiting by the dressing room door as Jade took her sweet ass time fixing her hair in the mirror.

"Jade" I gritted out "Come on". Leigh-Anne and Jesy looked at me oddly.

"What's got your knickers in a twist" Jesy questioned, taking in my red face.

"I just-" I was such a shite liar I don't know why I was even bothering "I need Jade to help me with-Um-my, eh- taxes".

Jesy looked at me like I had lost my mind. "Seriously Pez" she raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow "Your taxes".

My face flushed an even deeper shade of red. I was honestly going to cry if I didn't relive some of this sexual tension soon.

"Leave my Pez alone Jessica" Jade pipped up, sending a wink my way as she walked towards me, I swear she was swaying her hips like that on purpose.

"Both of you just get into the van" Jesy said rolling her eyes.

This time I made sure to sit at the back of the van away from prying eyes, I knew for a fact I wasn't going to be able to keep my hands off Jade. She slid into the seat beside me with a wicked grin on her face. The first few minutes of our journey was filled with a feeling of nervous anticipation, which faded as the minutes ticked by.

I jumped when a warm hand was placed on my thigh, tanned fingers splayed out moving gracefully up and down, scraping the skin slightly. The skin burned in the wake of her fingers, I was already so turned out that a small gasp escaped my lungs at the action. Soon her hand moved to my inner thigh. I spread my legs as far as possible with the oversized jumper I was wearing, Jade sent me a teasing smile.

"Look how badly you want it Pez" she whispered into my ear while swiping over my underwear clad center. When she removed her fingers they were damp with my arousal, she put them to her lips as her sinful tongue darted out to lick them clean.

"Jesus Christ" I let out, louder than I had intended, while Jade just let out an innocent giggle.

She returned her hand to my inner thigh, scraping her nails against my skin, setting off a constant buzz of arousal that I could feel seep through my thin underwear. I was bitting my lip so hard I was sure I was going to draw blood. I couldn't wait till we got back to mine. I needed it. Now.

"Please Jadey, please" I begged grabbing onto her hand to still her actions.

"No" she said sternly, making me want her even more. A wicked grin spread over her perfect face "I want to see how much you can take"

"But-" my protest died on my lips as her hand rose back up my jumper to stroke gently at my pussy. Could you die from an over build up of sexual tension? I let out a small whimper as she just smirked at me. I glanced out the window, recognizing our surrounding I knew it would take less than ten minutes to get to my apartment. Thank god, I thought to myself, I couldn't take much more of this torture. If I didn't touch Jade or myself in the next few minutes I was going to loose it.

"Pez, baby, you're soaking" Jade moaned into my ear.

"No shite Jade" I snapped back, my tightly wound control about to break. She only giggled in response as we pulled up in front of my apartment block.

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