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Warning this chapter makes 0 sense so please be understanding. Sorry

KEEFE memory from flashback break down

so, in flashback keefe got back a memory or memory fragment of him going to a green door in london of a humans house with a note.

we find out later from fintan that keefes mom had sent keefe to try to recruit a human. Then she tried to wipe the memory from him, but it came back. well... mostly cause it was actually shattered like when a person's mind breaks.

there's a lot we still don't know about that human and why keefes mom wanted to get in contact with them. and why she used keefe as a messenger.

we don't even know if fintan was telling the truth it might not be a human but an elf or something else.

a few of us were wondering if maybe sophie was part human a long time ago and this ''new'' info makes us think that the theory is even more real.

it would explain why keefe could feel her emotions stronger and through the air. and why she has brown eyes. sure were were told that these things where connected to her DNA being based of of an alicorns but it could also be because of this theory. as the neverseen says, everything is multifaceted.... so I'm assuming that the human recruit was one of sophie's parents.. and that's one of the reasons of why she's unmatchable because shes not completely elf maybe, and it would also explain why she can't read the elves proper language and all the other stuff she can't do that was just blamed on her upbringing.

I'm probably wrong though lol because Mr. Forkle has told her that she's completely 100 percent elf but then again he did hide a secret twin so he could be lying

or maybe the human was really a elf but undercover in the human world be cause the were banished from society and was sent to exillium then just ended up living in the human world.

i wish we had more info to go off of so we could have a more accurate guess of who the person is. 

I start over thinking thinks below so good luck trying to make sense out of it

Also in Keefe memory his mom gives him a blue leaping Crystal and a letter...

SSo I think the star is a lodestar specifically and the symbol is supposed to represent Keefe moms, the man person, and vespera cause it's all of their visions combined

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SSo I think the star is a lodestar specifically and the symbol is supposed to represent Keefe moms, the man person, and vespera cause it's all of their visions combined. Well, assuming the humans symbol is moons...

And lodestars are bright navigation stars

I think the letter mention an alliance or a location for them to go to and swear into the neverseen. Mean she was guiding them.( to a certain place in the human world.can swear into the neverseen by doing the usually horrible things to the human world as a test to see if there committed or not.)

And the person or symbol thing also might be a part of criterion because a synonym to the word criterion is guide and test
And in Greek it means: means of judging.

And fintan would write things down in his criterion book whenever Keefe would respond to his questions about human emotions during his training.

Ok and Gisele says That the letter is written in "human" but no language Keefe would understand but all the elves read in English and their original language so that person must not have lived there because only about 8percent of people there don't speak english

Ok so I start to over think things even more right here so good luck trying to make sense out of what I say.

Also the alliance could be a plan
And the plan could be about making part of the world dark(humans) and wiping it out or making it smaller while revealing another in light (elves) and making it larger kind of what the neverseen wants to do

The lodestars are guiding them (and were there own locations were) and the moons are nightfall and a kind of a sign for a new beginning or the start of something because remembered Gisele had the battle with the group with the trolls during a blood moon or something like that right?

Also luzia was a light manipulator that his things in it kind of like the moon how it reflects the sun but the other part is still dark and hiding things.

Sorry this was splotcy and messy andnot quite finished and not making much sense its because I've been working on it inconsistently and in random places so yeah

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Sorry this was splotcy and messy andnot quite finished and not making much sense its because I've been working on it inconsistently and in random places so yeah.. Sorry

I hope you have a great night! Bye!

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