heres the tea sis copyright rant

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Copyright Rant:

So this person saw my keefe power thingy right? And a few days later on pinterest I saw a post about keefes new power, and their theory was the exact same as mine. And oc I was like oh maybe it's a coincidence but then I looked at the names and was like huh odd they have the same name. So I'm 80% convinced that they stole my idea and didnt give me credit. And I mean I could tell them like wot. But I really dont want 2 be wrong. So instead I'm writing it out here. BEcAUse AnXiETy iS SUpEr fUN and we dont want to approach peeps!!!

So oof, please just dont steal things and claim them as your own. And tbh I just dont want to be blamed as the one stealing but oh well what can you do.

Also it might just be there own idea. But they were ligit the same. And I honestly wouldnt be upset, but this theory has been actually going around and so :( I just dont want to be blamed for stealing even tho it was someone stealing from meeeee

Oof I sound like a brat ngl but ig that's just my midnight vibes rn.

Also they have like a super common name so idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk

Anywho goodnight lovelies

This rant prolly made no sense but oh well.

If I'm right and you mr. Stealer are seeing this I hope you fall down stairs covered in legos and barbie brushes.

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