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  • Dedicated to everyone who helped edit and support me when writing this :)

Hell on Earth

Prologue Part 1:

Humans are...cruel and unforgiving. They turn on each other, cause each other harm. Humans aren't very smart either. For example, we are polluting the Earth terribly, and then promoting electric cars, which if you think about it, still pollute the Earth. In fact, they pollute even more, because in order to mine the materials used to create the batteries, use equipment that pollutes, transport it by regular car, which pollutes, and bring the battery all over the world before it is finally finished and put in a Toyota Prius with five horsepower.

Yet we still continue down this path, which ultimately leads to our destruction. We all know that eventually we will die out. There are millions of possibilities of what could happen. The Sun could swallow us whole, we could have a nuclear war, or we could collide with another planet, or meteor. These are only a few ways that we could all perish. Another way, for example could be... a plague. A virus to wipe out the world before we mess it up for everyone else out there in the universe. We could all cease to exist right now because of a single DNA strand. Of course, this strand would have to be very complex.

I took all of these things into consideration when creating my DNA strand. It was very easy to manipulate. It was like scripting on a computer. If you knew how to do it, you could do anything. I simply took my DNA strand, and twisted it to make it...interesting. I made this plague worse than any other plague ever known to mankind. It had symptoms such as nausea, headaches, coughing, sore throat, random swelling, hair loss, loss of sight, and even bone shrinkage. These were just symptoms. What the disease actually did was very complex. Once in a host, it collapsed both lungs, caused multiple brain tumors, and infected the heart, resulting in death within a few hours.

No one could stop me. Once it was out there, it would kill too fast for anyone to actually find a cure for it, or prevent it. I had everything I needed...except the resources to deliver it to the world. Of course, the U.S. government had exactly what I needed. So, to get their attention, I took my disease, brought it straight to the government and told them I wanted to make a super weapon, transferrable through air, to deliver to U.S. enemies. The government (Being as gullible as they are) accepted that theory and had their smartest people set to work on it. I was a little scared at first, because it seemed like some of them knew what I was up to and could see through my complex cover-up pattern, but that was not the case. They simply hadn't accepted me as one of them yet. Oh, they would see. They would all see.

Fast forward a few months and I already had the resources I needed to deliver it to the world. Once I hacked into one of their computers that controls hidden air vents throughout the entire country, I could release the disease throught the entire facility. It was so easy, it was almost comical. I had the entire world at my disposal. One button and I could release the plague that would kill off the entire human race. I felt giddy. I quickly typed in my password to get access to the vents and I was in. All I had to do was press the release button. I was locked and loaded.

"Doctor, we need your opinion on-" I heard one of my colleagues say as he entered the room. Within a split second, I pulled out a small, silenced handgun and shot him right in the head as he stepped through the doorway. I jumped up and caught him before he landed, then laid him down on the floor, hidden from view.

'Finally, I've had the desire to do that for months now.' I thought to myself. He was one of the most annoying people I had ever met. Always perky, helpful, and nice. He was despicable. I cracked my knuckles and pressed one key on the keyboard. It was done. The end of the world should be in a few days.

It had gone terribly wrong. I had created zombies instead of a virus to kill people off. I accidentally reanimated the dead, and transformed the dead into these...zombies. It was a sort of plague, transferrable by contact, or saliva being transferred to other humans, biting them. Oh lord, what have I done? They were going around, devouring the living, leaving entire cities launched into chaos. Well, it was the same end result I wanted, I thought as I looked out the window of my suite. I was in one of the only safe cities left in the United States, New York City. No one had any clue it was me who released the virus.

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