Which among these did you practice when you were young?
1) Dip the bread in the tea.
2) Mix the entire white rice and stew before eating.
3) Crack a bone and suck out the marrow.
4) Don't eat the meat until you finish the food.
5) Showing everyone your new underwear.
6) Beg for a sweet which your friend has licked.
7) Playing in the rain.
8) Licking the plate with your tongue.
9) Walking bare footed and holding your new shoes for everyone to see.
10) Wearing two shirts or shorts (packing) so you don't feel the pain much when caned in school.
11) Playing paper ball cricket.
12) Mix garri and sugar in your pocket and chew on your way to school.
13) Playing with marbles and rubber bands.
14) Playing hide and seek outside at night.
15) Racing to the swing.
16) Closing the fridge very slowly to see if the lights stay on when it's closed.
17) Making a tent in your bedroom using bed sheets.
18) Singing nursery rhymes on a road trip.
19) Thinking that people actually die in movies.
20) Cheering when the bell rings for recess.
Please be sincere. Remember your past. It is very important! Never forget your childhood days.
😭 I miss my childhood days. They were the best days of my life. *shxt that's kinda deep* 😆Anyway thanks for reading! Don't forget to smile, vote, share and comment your thoughts if you like this joke book. Thank you...Bye. ♡
Just For More Laughter
Random"Laughter is the best medicine but if you're laughing for no reason, you may need medicine." ? "Don't take life too seriously, you won't get out alive." ? Hello awesome people! Welcome to this joke book. It is actually a continuation of my other jo...