Joke: Proverbs By Fourth Graders

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Proverbs as finished by a fourth grade class:

It is always darkest...Just before you flunk a test.

There is nothing new...under a rock.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with...a private jet.

A committee of three...gets things done when they are not fighting.

If you can't stand the heat...try Antarctica.

Better late than...absent.

A rolling stone...may dent the floor.

If at first you don't with it.

Laugh, and the world laughs with you.

Cry...and then blow your nose.

A bird in the hand is....better than a woodpecker on your head.

Early to bed, early to rise...and you will get the best cereal.

Two heads...are pretty scary.

It is better to light a candle light a bomb.

A miss is as good as...a mister.

A penny not a lot.

Don't burn your bridges...or you'll fall in the lake.

Haste makes...sweat.

Mmhm :)

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