Joke: My Biography

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NAME: Rachael Wizrich

AGE: 109

HOBBIES: Collecting teeth from a live tiger. Catching bullets with bare hands. Assassination. Jogging up and down Mount Everest and collecting rock particles from the moon.

MY RECORD: Fought with an elephant and broke it's neck. Skinned a crocodile alive. Held my breath under water for 2 months, 3 weeks, 6 hours, 51 minutes and 45 seconds! Assassinated Adolf Hitler.

GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT: Surfed on hot lava while the volcano was still erupting. Outran a cheetah. Fluent in 11,798 languages. First woman  to land on the sun. Carried the pyramid of Giza for 2 days straight!

SILLY THING DONE: Surfing on a tsunami and hurricane Katrina. Snowboarding on Mount Everest. Skydiving from outer space.

EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Couldn't kill 100 bears with a single punch, only 99 died instantly and the one that was left went to join the circus.

PROUDEST MOMENTS: When a cobra died after biting me. When I saved the planet by diverting an asteroid with just one kick.

SOMETHING ABOUT ME: I really don't like to brag...


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