Chapter 36

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Jennie's POV

"D-dad?" I said. How come? I thought he's in coma? My mother didn't informed me about this.

"J-jennie?" He said nervously. His hands are trembling. No, this can't be.

"Hon? Who's that?" I heard my mom's voice. I didn't turned my gaze to her as she reached my dad.

"Oh my--" my brows curled and finally, I turned my gaze to my mother who is now covering her mouth with her palm.

"Mom? How come?" I asked her. She removed her palm from covering her mouth.

"Ah-hmm.. he woke up Jennie. He's now okay" she stuttered and I can feel that there's something wrong here. How can he recover quickly after the coma? They l-lied?

My hands started to tremble. I'm not numb and stupid. They lied to me. And it kills me inside knowing that they're my parents, they're my family who lied to me.

I felt a hand holding my arm, it's like telling me to calm. Lisa... it's like she's telling me that she's here, that everything will be okay, that she will not leave me.

She understand too, Lisa is not that stupid to don't understand this situation. Lisa grew up with intelligence. She's not stupid to believe the reasons came out from my mom's mouth.

"Individual recovering from coma require close medical supervision. How come that you manage to recover quickly? You were in coma for 5 years. With all due respect Mr. and Mrs. Kim, I just stated my opinion." Lisa said, yes it was true. It was fucking true!

"You lied, didn't you?" I asked them even if I already knew the answer to my question. I faced them while holding back my tears. I don't want to cry again, I don't want to be weak, I don't want them to see my weakness.

They didn't answer and mom started to cry.

"You lied to me!!!!!" I shouted and let my cheeks soaked from tears.

"How can you do this to me mom?dad? I am your daughter!" Lisa held my hand and squeezed it gently.

"Why? I need reasons, I need acceptable reasons. Please don't try to hide the truth dad." I said and I almost stumbled from my feet. I have no strength to stand up straightly. I hate myself for being weak.
Lisa held me quickly and supported me.

You're always weak Jennie.

"Mr. Kim, how about we talk inside your house?" Lisa asked and my dad nodded.
They're both crying now but I didn't feel any pity. I feel pity for myself.

They turned their back to us.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here, I'm here Nini. I love you" Lisa said but I have no courage to talk.

She guide me through the door. We entered and she helped me sat at the couch. She sat beside me and intertwined her fingers with mine. She squeezed my hand gently using her thumb.

"I pretend to be in coma" my father said and my I felt a sting from my chest.
I didn't respond, I don't want to talk.

"We have a debt---
from your father Lisa" he said that made my gaze turned to him. Lisa also did the same.

"What?" Lisa asked

"The debt is worth of our whole company"

"I didn't know what to do Jennie, trust me. I-I was scared that time" he said and started to cry. Mom is caressing her back, comforting him.

"We had a deal, Mr. Manoban and I wanted the two of you to s-separate. I pretended to be in coma so Jennie would agree to manage our company." He said and I closed my eyes. I let my tears fell down, besides it won't stop from falling.
I felt a pain from my chest. I couldn't take hearing those words from him. I want to cover my ears. I want to shout. I want to fly into a rage.

"Mr. Manoban said that Lisa didn't want to manage the company and that was because of you Jennie. Lisa will always choose you over anything. And you too, you didn't want to manage our company so I pretended to be in coma to get you, to force you. I--" he stopped and started to sob.

"I didn't let you to be with Lisa b-because separating you from her was the payment of our debt. I was left with no choice J-jennie" he said while shaking her head.

"I'm very very sorry J-jennie, my d-daughter" he said and approached me. He kneeled down and held my left hand.

Fuck this life!

I lifted my head up trying to stop my tears from falling. Pain is slowly killing me. My breathing became heavy. I can hardly breathe.

I stood up and removed my hand from him.

"Dad, I am your daughter! How can you do that to me? D-dad all my life, I obeyed you! I always do what you want!" I said. Lisa stood up but she didn't remove our intertwined hands. I don't want to let go her hand as well. She squeezed my hand using her thumb. I thought she would say anything but she let me burst out all the grudge.

"I suffered for almost 5 years dad! And I think that 5 years is exclusively wasted! Dad you knew--" I gasp but I wanted to say all of my grudge to them.

"You knew that Lisa is my happiness, you knew that Lisa is my everything, you knew that Lisa is my life d-dad but you took away everything because of your selfish decision!" I said with my crack voice.

"I'm so s-sorry *hik* Je-jennie" he said. It's hard for me to look at his eyes because of the anger that building up my system. I don't want to cuss.

"D-dad did you know?--" I stopped. He lifted his head up.

"I-I suffered f-for almost 5 years dad. I carried the pain and sadness for almost 5 years. The pain and s-sadness that killed me inside. The b-burden and the g-guilt for leaving Lisa, I carried it d-dad"

"It was hard for m-me to face other people with my fake s-smile, it was hard f-for me to wake up in the morning, knowing that Lisa wasn't t-there to greet me, knowing that she wasn't there to comfort me, knowing that s-she wasn't there to w-wipe my tears, knowing that she wasn't there to cheer me up when I am down. It w-was hard for me dad, thinking that I needed to work and pretend to other people that I'm o-okay"
I stopped and gasp. I breathe deeply.

"D-dad I felt like I was tortured everyday without Lisa and without you."

"D-dad of all the people! Why me? Why do I need to feel this way? It hurts dad! I am your d-daughter. I thought you love m-me. I thought you would do everything to make me h-happy. Do I deserve this pain?" I felt Lisa's hold tightened. I looked at her. She's crying while facing down.

"Had I been a bad daughter to you?" I asked my father who's still kneeling down in front of me. My mom is telling him to get up but he refused.

"No, of course not Jennie" he said and shook his head for how many times.

"It hurts dad because I wasted my life for 5 years. But do you know what's the most painful? I suffered because of my own f-family." I said and let go of Lisa's hand. I turned my back and my tears fall constantly.

I made my step to the exit and I can feel my every step became heavy.
I don't know what to do. The world is really unfair.

It's like I was betrayed by everyone, except the woman who never leave my side, the woman who fought for me, the woman who loved me, the woman who chose me over everything, the woman who I can trust.

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