Chapter 1 - Doc

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One day at a time. One day at a time

"One day at a time." I repeat in my head and out loud as I look back at myself in the bathroom mirror. Although today is no different than all the other days, I woke from my nightmares while it was still dark and proceeded to block them out while I work out, now I shower and then head to the clubhouse. It's the same every morning, never changes and never will, but don't think about it, just think about today.

I rev the engine louder to block out the voices in my head as I speed to the clubhouse, Avery opens the gate for me and I park up in my usual spot.

"Morning Doc." Cordelia smiles as she dishes out breakfast to the guys with Indigos help. I take my seat and eat in silence as I listen to the conversations around me. Guys talking about the girls they slept with the night before, the old ladies giggling over gossip

"Church." Killer calls as he passes the doorway and all the guys finish up and head out.

I follow and take my seat at the table

"Alright listen up. Scarlett came to me yesterday her brother called and needs a favour." Killer says looking around the room

"He's got a member of a task force had a job go south and needs a place to lay low, he asked if we could keep them here until the heat dies down." He adds as groans sound out around the table

"You want us to keep some one who has guys after them who works for the same secret service shit as Scarlett's brother in our clubhouse?" Socket asks

"Mike has assured Scarlett that no heat will follow, it will be totally under radar only Mike and the guy will know where he is, all official documents will put him in a whole other state." Killer replies

"What about our guns? If this asshole stumbles on our weapons who's to say he won't call it in and we all swap out our cuts for jumpsuits." Ice questions

"Mike knows how the club runs, he wouldn't send some one to his sisters family if he thought we were at risk. We can say no, but I told Scarlett we'd put it to vote. Remember if we do this, he'll owe us one and that is always a good thing to have."

"So where would we put this dude?" Circuit asks

"Put him in an empty room upstairs, give him a prospect cut if we have to get him doing some kind of work so he looks like one of us and then when he's clear he goes and we have a favour to call in when needed." Killer shrugs

"Let's put it to vote see where we stand." Killer says looking around the table. Bullet agrees as does Knuckles, Sonny, Needles, Circuit, Reaper and myself. Ace, Socket, BFG and Ice vote against it

"Majority rules, I'll have Scarlett call her brother." Killer says before adding "anything else to bring to the table?"

"I got something." Knuckles says as all eyes fall on him

"Scarlett is telling the girls now, she's pregnant." Knuckles says before adding "but brace yourselves, the hormones are strong. I had to hide her gun this morning. She was going to shoot the stove because the smell of eggs made her feel nauseous."

"Jesus another one? Is there something in the water or what?" Needles asks. His apprentice Evie and Reapers old lady is pregnant as is Cordelia.

"Happy for you man." I say as I pat Knuckles on the back, before heading out to the bar. The old ladies are all sitting in a booth hugging and laughing as we come out.

"At least none of us were pregnant for the bachelorette. Evie you can't marry Reaper until none of us are pregnant." Cordelia laughs

"Deal! I want real strippers this time." Evie smirks

"Hey Doc you ready?" Cordelia asks as she walks up to me and I nod as we head out of the clubhouse and towards her house

"Its crazy huh? Three of us pregnant at the same time." Cordelia laughs

"How you doing anyway?" She asks

"I'm fine, what we looking at for today?" I reply as we walk up the front porch and into the house

"We've got appointments booked for most of the day so we'll probably be pretty busy." She says as we head through the house to the clinic. When Cordelia and Killer got married she set up this clinic to help out people who can't go to a hospital or don't have insurance. She got a scar on her face and didn't want people staring at her if she worked at the hospital. Cordelia and I have become quite close working together in the clinic over the years, she knows I was a field medic in the army but she understands I don't like to talk about my time over there.

After another day in the clinic treating people I climb onto my bike and head out for a long ride in the darkness, pulling back the throttle and letting the roar of my engine drown out my thoughts.

After I left the army I stumbled across the club and loved the discipline of it and the brotherhood. Killer is a great president and outside of treating any wounds the guys get he's happy to let me do my own thing. I have a room at the clubhouse but I don't use it very often. I prefer to have my own space away from everyone else.

I ride up through the woods and keep going, pushing my bike to her limits as I fly up the roads lined with trees. I just keep riding, not thinking about the destination, until I can feel the exhaustion hitting me, making sleep more likely to come, then I head home.

I park up in front of my garage and walk up the porch into my house. It's a simple wooden cabin that was a bare shell when I bought it, I did the renovation myself and now it's my perfect little sanctuary. I walk into the kitchen and pull a beer from the fridge before sitting in my chair in front of the TV I never turn on. Sitting in silence I drink my beer before I sigh as I put my empty bottle in the trash and head to the bedroom, stripping out of my clothes and climbing into bed. One day at a time.

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