Chapter 29 - Doc

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I had to go check on her, the calls over the radio and the automatic gunfire was making my fucking hands shake. She's going to bruise, but I already did a good job of that on her neck. Just being near her I felt myself calm slightly.

"What the fuck was that?" Scarlett asks as I run into the bar

"Get down, under the tables." I say as I lift Skye out of her wheelchair onto the floor and then help Cordelia down.

"Are they bombs?" Indigo asks

"Mortar rounds, so yeah. Stay down under the tables, don't move." I reply. I fucking hate that noise. The pop and then the whistle as you wait to see where it will land.

"I'm hit!" That was Moore

"We got wounded, stay there until I come back." I say to Cordelia as I head for the door.

"Fuck. Medic to the gym!" Addy orders

"Nelli is down!" Moore shouts

"Two wounded!" I call back to Cordelia as I put my helmet on and open the door

"Nelli!?" Addy screams

"Is he alive? Tell me he's alive Moore!" I take a deep breath as I run across the lot, this is all too fucking familiar. Add the thousand degree heat of the desert and it's just like being back there

"Doc? Moore? Someone give me a fucking update!" Adeline calls as I make it to the gym, luckily the ladder is still there so I can climb on the roof. I crawl across to Nelli first

"He's got a pulse, but he's bad." I say into the comms

"Get him inside and I want five minute updates." Addy replies

"Moore can you get down the ladder?" I ask and he nods as he holds his left arm

"Killer, Reaper, either of you hurt?" I ask

"No we're good. Let's get him down." Killer says pointing to Nelli. We make our way down the ladder and across the lot back inside. Cordelia is already on her feet helping Moore into the infirmary, we carry Nelli inside and lie him on a bed.

"What we looking at Doc?" Cordelia asks as she helps Moore out of his armour

"Is he alive?" Moore asks

"He has a pulse." Is all I say, he doesn't look good. It doesn't look like it was a direct hit, but close enough. I cut through his uniform so I can find his wounds

"Did you see him get hit?" I ask Moore

"No I was too busy taking cover. He's gonna make it though right?" Moore begs

"I'll do everything I can." I reply

"How bad am I? I need to get back out there." Moore asks Cordelia

"I think your arm is broken, the rest is just cuts and bruises." She replies as she holds pressure to a cut on his face

"Great, I only need one hand to shoot, I gotta get out there to help Addy." Moore replies

"Oh no, you're done Soldier, I need to X-ray this arm, see what kind of break we're dealing with, make sure you don't need surgery." She says in full nurse mode. I love Cordelia, in the middle of bombs dropping and her three kids in the bar while she's seven months pregnant she can still go full nurse mode and cut down a soldier three times her size.

"Yes ma'am." He smirks

"That's more like it." She replies

"You need my help Doc? Indigo can work the X-ray." Cordelia says

"Yeah I think so." I reply looking into her eyes

"Alright, you take yourself in there Moore, Indigo will follow in a minute." Cordelia says as she helps him up and he walks away

"What we got?" Cordelia asks quietly

"I think he's haemorrhaging internally. I think it's more than we can deal with." I reply

"Oh fuck that, we gotta try. I'll get Indigo, you go see Moretti, see what they've got at their disposal, medivac or get a surgeon here, worth a try." Cordelia says before walking into the bar.

"Moretti." I say as I walk into church

"How's Moore and Nelli?" He asks looking up at me

"That's why I'm here, Moore will be fine, just a broken arm and some cuts. But Nelli, we need medivac or a surgeon or I don't think he's going to make it."

"Fuck. I'm trying to get a gunship, but I'll keep trying. Circuit can you watch Johnson and Taylor for me?" He asks and Circuit nods

"What's going on?" I ask as I move around the table to look at the screen

"You didn't hear them arguing over the comms? Johnson was going to head off into the woods to take out the mortar alone, but Taylor insisted he join, they're about fifty feet from the tangos now." Moretti says pointing to the screen. I was so busy with Nelli I wasn't even listening. She's out there, fuck, she could get killed.

I watch on the drone footage as Addy and Taylor creep through the dense trees, getting closer to a group of men in a small clearing. Her and Taylor separate until they have the men surrounded, but still, twenty on two seems impossible.

"Doc I need you." Cordelia calls and I nod as I follow her back to the infirmary.

"Any luck yet Moretti?" I ask as he paces on his cellphone

"I'm trying." He groans

"I've done an ultrasound of his abdomen and you were right, he's bleeding out. I've hung blood, but unless we stop the bleeding he won't make it." Cordelia says and I know what she's thinking

"But neither of us are surgeons Cordelia, this is way above both of us." I reply

"Isn't most of what we do? When Skye was stabbed in the belly, when Killers broken femur tore his femoral artery? We have to try and save him, he can't wait for help to come." Cordelia says as she begins gathering equipment

"I've been reading medical journals on these types of injuries since Adeline showed up, we can do this." She says

"Fine." I sigh as I put on clean gloves.

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