Chapter 7 - Doc

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Adeline has been at the clubhouse for a week now and when she isn't in front of me talking she's in my fucking head. She's frustrates me like no one I've met before, but at the same time there's something about her I like. I think it's because she reminds me of my brothers from my army days and she's always so damn happy. I pull back the throttle as I go for my nightly ride on my bike after leaving the clubhouse. Normally this ride helps me switch off and empty my thoughts, but instead I'm thinking about Adeline.

I give up on my ride and head back home, riding up the long drive and pulling up in front of the garage. I climb off the bike and remove my helmet when I see lights coming up my driveway in the darkness. I pull my gun from my saddlebag and duck down the side of the garage

"Howdy Doc." Adeline says as she climbs out of her car

"The fuck are you doing here? I could've shot you." I say as I put my gun back in my saddlebag

"Well I haven't seen you since this morning so I thought you might miss me." She laughs as she walks over to me

"I figure maybe you don't want to talk, but how about you finally join me for that beer at Scarlett's club? I promise I won't try to swap war stories, just one or two beers with me and your guys and I'll bring you home whenever you want me to." She says holding her hands up in surrender. I just want to be left alone, but maybe if I do this she'll shut up and leave me be

"One beer." I say sternly as I walk around to the passenger side of her car and I see her smiling as she hops in the drivers seat.

She does a burn out before peeling down my driveway and into the night. Heavy metal plays quietly on her stereo as she taps her fingers on the wheel to the beat. I'm regretting my decision already, I just want a quiet night in solitude at home.

"Howdy." She greets the man on the door as we head to the door

"Hey Addy." He smiles as he opens the door for her

"Addy!" Is shouted from the booth full of my brothers and she waves as we head to the bar. I've been here a couple of times but I'll never get used to the vibration of the music and the damn flashing lights. Girls strut around the club with hardly any clothes on as men drool over them but they don't interest me, I'm happier alone.

"Hey, you managed to drag him out, I'm amazed." Scarlett laughs as she opens two beers and places them on the bar

"One drink." I say as I pick up my beer and take a drink

"Come sit with the guys, I'm sure we'll get you laughing eventually." Adeline says patting me on the shoulder as we walk over to the booth

"Somebody finally managed to drag you out huh?" Knuckles laughs slapping me on the back as he sits down with us

"You ready to have your ass handed to you?" Needles says to Adeline as he puts a tray of shots on the table

"No can do, I'm designated driver tonight, but maybe tomorrow." Adeline replies

"Aww come on that's what the prospects are for." He sulks as he sits down beside her, I see her looking to me for permission and I sigh

"Go ahead." I say as she lights up with her bright smile

"Bring it bitch." She says to Needles as they begin a game I don't understand at all, I think it's just an excuse to get as drunk as possible.

I don't know how she does it. She's laughing with all of the guys, she matching Needles shot for shot and she just seems so damn happy. I don't know what she went through in the service but I assume she saw enough, yet here she is living happily. The weight of the men I couldn't save sits heavily on my shoulders and I can't let it go, I don't deserve to let it go, how can she do that?

I sip from my third beer as I watch Adeline and the guys laugh

"Well looks like I finally win a round. Next games on me." Adeline smirks as she stands and heads to the bar. I watch as she laughs with Scarlett and Indigo. She's only been here a week yet she fits in with both the guys and the old ladies like she's always been here.

I watch as a guy walks over to Adeline and says something in her ear, she shakes her head at him and speaks into his ear as she holds her hand out but that doesn't stop him. He wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her against him, his hand resting on her ass. Needles and I both stand at the same time, but without taking her eyes off the guy she holds a hand up to stop us. She waves Scarlett over and says something to her, Scarlett looks at the man briefly before replying. Adeline smiles and places her hand on the guys shoulder before saying something in his ear.

She takes his hand and begins guiding him to the door

"Looks like I'm not the only one who doesn't give a shit about a ring on her finger." Ice smirks

"No way, she doesn't seem like the type." Needles says as we watch her leave with the asshole

"Holy shit guys you gotta get outside now." Avery comes running in only seconds later. We all pile out into the parking lot to find Adeline stood opposite the guy, only he has a bloody nose now.

"You know what the word 'no' means asshole? I say no so you touch me? Let's see how fucked up you end up before I accept your no." Adeline growls as she holds her fists up in a fighting stance.

"Kick his ass girl." Needles cheers, I look around to see a crowd has gathered and formed a circle around Adeline and her victim.

"Get back inside Scarlett you're pregnant for fucks sake." Knuckles growls from beside me

"I only want to watch, I'll let you protect me." Scarlett pouts and Knuckles sighs before agreeing

"Cave the mother fuckers skull in!" Scarlett shouts as she climbs on Knuckles back for a better view. I've never known a girl enjoy a fight as much as Scarlett.

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