Chapter 30 - Adeline

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A/N: Hello Lovelies! Sorry for the late update today, but it has been a day and a half! Road tripping with my mother, I even bumped into a biker club and turned into a total perve (Purely for research purposes, I definitely wasn't flirting.) Hope you enjoy my Lovelies, only a couple of chapters left! Xxx

I signal to Taylor with my fingers telling him to move around the tangos right in front of us. They're too busy playing with the mortars to notice us. I would rather just throw grenades at them and get this over with, but with the amount of mortar rounds they've got it would blow up the whole damn forest, me and Taylor included.

We have night vision and they don't, using a shitty little flashlight to reload.

"That bitch won't know what hit her." A male voice smirks within the group as they reload the mortar

"Fire!" I scream as Taylor and I open fire on the twenty men, using a tree trunk for cover, I watch as the men fall to the ground. Suddenly I'm grabbed from behind and cry out when I feel the sharp blade penetrate the skin below my armour. I grip my rifle before thrusting the butt back and slamming it into the asshole, he lets go of me and I step aside for Taylor to make the shot

"Couldn't have warned me about the guy taking a piss huh Moretti?" I groan as I apply pressure to my side

"Sorry Ma'am I'm talking to an asshole from headquarters." He replies

"You good?" Taylor asks and I nod

"Anyone alive?" I ask as I dismantle the fucking mortar

"Not anymore." Taylor says pulling a handgun.

"Good. Moretti are the final eight tangos still by the vehicles?" I ask over the comm

"They haven't moved." Circuit says

"Where's Moretti?" I ask

"He's on the phone."

"Doc, hows Nelli and Moore?" I ask but there's no reply

"My arm is broken, but I'm fine, they're working on Nelli now." Moore replies

"Broken arm? Well what are you waiting for a vacation? Get back on the roof!" I order and he laughs, it's when we don't make fun of each other getting hurt we know things are bad.

"Let's get back to the compound and bring this fucker with us." I say as I pick up the mortar and help Taylor with a case of shells.

"I come bearing gifts." I say as I slip through the gate and around back of the clubhouse.

"Is that a mortar?" Bullet asks from above

"Yep! Maybe I'll just forget to take this home with me?" I ask and his face lights up. I walk through the clubhouse and find all the girls under the tables in the bar

"You can get up for a minute if you want. I've cleared the mortar and there's no incoming right now." I say

"I would kill to be up on that roof right now. I'll never forgive you for making me miss this." Scarlett says to her belly and I laugh. I walk into the infirmary to see Moore sat on a bed and Moretti pacing on his cellphone

"Where's Nelli?" I ask

"Behind there, Doc and Cordelia are working on him."

"How's he doing?" I call looking at the closed curtains

"He haemorrhaged, But we're getting there to stop the bleeds." Cordelia replies

"Keep me up to date."

"Are you hurt?" I hear Doc ask

"No I'm fine." I reply, I don't have time to get stitched up and I know it didn't hit anything major.

"Johnson, talk to this moron please." Moretti says handing me his cellphone

"First Sergeant Johnson." I say

"I already told Corporal Moretti I can't send you anything, we don't have anything available." The man on the other end replies

"Well I'm telling you now if I don't get a gunship, a humvee full of back up or an f-16 in the next ten minutes I'm going to kill all these tangos myself and then I'm coming for you with the mortar that has one of my men bleeding out as we speak."

"I'll see what I can do." He says before I end the call

"You need to work on your flirting." Moore smiles

"You still good?" I ask Moore and he nods as he stands

"You take over from Moretti and work with Circuit, Moretti I want you on the roof." I order

"On it Ma'am." He replies as he walks out of the infirmary

"Lets move." I say to Moretti as we make our way back up to the roof

"We've got a problem." Circuit says

"What is it?" I ask as I set my rifle back up on the ledge of the roof

"More vehicles, brings the total to twenty tangos." Moore replies

"This has got to be their final back up. Get ready boys." I order as Bullet, Taylor, Davis and Moretti all set up alongside me

"You're bleeding." Davis says pointing to my side

"I'm fine, just a flesh wound." I reply

"They're advancing through the trees." Moore says as we wait.

"Ok when they get close enough I'm gonna blow the explosives."

"Oh goody, it's gonna be like the Fourth of July up in here." Moore says and I laugh.

"They're three hundred feet out." Moore says

"I'll tell you when to hit it." He adds

"Hit it in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. Now!" I press the remote and the place lights up like daylight as a wave of heat washes over me and I duck behind the wall for cover

"Whooo!" Davis hollers and I laugh

"Fire on any tangos left over." I order as I get back to my position

"Wait! Can you hear that?" Taylor says and I look up at the sky to find the source of the noise. Sure enough I spot a helicopter gunship coming our way and laugh when I hear the music coming from it.

"Mother fucker always shows up at the end to take the glory!" Davis yells over the noise. The chopper fires into the trees as No Sleep Til Brooklyn by The Beastie Boys plays and I relax.

The helicopter flies over the clubhouse and lands in the open space in the lot

"You sluts call for back up?" Mike calls as he climbs out

"Little late to the show ain't you Mikey?" I shout down as he gives me the finger. I grab my rifle and make my way downstairs to the bar to find Mike holding his sister Scarlett

"Look at you!" He smiles as he pulls back and looks down at her small bump.

"Addy." He smiles as he turns to me

"Clean up crew is on the way, we caught Abd al Jabbar, he was on the way here, but now he's secured and will be dealt with. Where's the injured? The chopper can evac them now. Looks like you need to go with them." Mike says pointing to my side

"I'm fine." I reply as I guide him to the infirmary

"Doc, How's Nelli doing?" I call

"We're nearly there." Cordelia says and I slip my head inside the curtain

"Holy shit." I say as Mike steps in beside me

"What happened?" I ask

"He was going to bleed out so I figure I may as well give him a chance. I'm just stitching this and then I think we've got all the bleeders." Cordelia smiles proudly standing over Nelli's open abdomen. Doc looks up at me and I mouth thank you before he looks back down at Nelli.

"So that's who's been keeping you out of the clubhouse huh?" Mike smirks

"How do you know?" I ask

"I saw the way you looked at him, you love him. Does this mean I'm going to lose my best sniper?" He asks and I snort

"Soldier til I die." I say as I bang my fist on my chest.

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