Chapter 5 - Doc

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One day at a time. Work out, shower, clubhouse.

"Morning Doc." Cordelia says as she serves breakfast

"I can't believe you assholes assumed a big man was coming, women can be soldiers too." Scarlett says as she helps Cordelia serve

"Well maybe if you had told us that little detail it wouldn't have been a surprise." Ice smirks

"I like her." Cordelia shrugs

"She certainly seemed to be able to keep up with the guys at the club last night." Scarlett laughs

"She's hot, I give it a week until she's in my bed." Ice adds

"Did you not see the ring on her finger?" Needles asks

"Never stopped me before." Ice shrugs

"Her husband is on tour in Syria." I say

"There you go, she's lonely, I can help with that." Ice laughs

"Touch her and I'll cut it off." Scarlett says

"I bet she could handle him herself, Bullet said she's a great shot." Cordelia says

"How long is she staying for?" Socket asks

"My brother didn't say." Scarlett shrugs

"Goddamn." I hear a groan from the doorway and see Adeline stumble in

"Your whiskey is too damn good." She says to Scarlett as she passes her heading to the coffee machine, she pours herself a cup and sighs after taking a sip

"Rough night Addy?" Needles asks and she laughs

"This fog on my brain is your fault, you and your damn drinking games." She says as she sits in the empty seat beside me

"Same again tonight?" She asks and he laughs

"I better get to the parlour, see you at the club." He says as he heads out

"See you later drinking buddy." Adeline replies

"And where were you last night? I was hoping to buy you a beer for helping me out." She says looking towards me

"The club isn't really my scene." I reply

"Well you gotta let me buy you a drink at some point for helping me out." She says

"You don't need to do that, it's what I do, I help people who need it." I shrug "and you shouldn't be drinking while you're on antibiotics."

"Oh I'll live." She snorts and I go back to eating my breakfast

"I'll meet you in the infirmary." I say to Adeline as I stand and take my plate to the sink before heading out.

"Boy you are just a barrel of laughs in the morning huh?" Adeline jokes as she enters the infirmary, I motion for her to lie on the table as I put on gloves

"You got yourself an old lady?" She asks and I shake my head

"Well what do you do outside of this clubhouse?" She questions

"What's your sudden interest in me?" I ask as I remove the dressing and begin cleaning out the wound again

"Just a vet curious about another vet." She shrugs. I work in silence as I clean her wound and apply a clean dressing

"See you same time tomorrow." I say as clean up

"You know Doc, in my line of work I notice things other people don't pick up on." She says standing in the doorway and I look at her confused

"Just saying, I understand more than anyone else, these prove that." She lifts up her shirt and points to the burns along her left rib cage. She turns and walks out before I can reply, everyone at the club leaves me alone and that's how I like it, I don't need her coming in here stirring up shit I pushed to the back of my mind.

I finish cleaning up and head back to the clinic

"Hey Doc, you good to take Mr Ellis?" Cordelia says as I enter the room

"Sure." I say as she hands me his chart and I take a look.

"Morning Doc." Mr Ellis says as I guide him to a bed and pull the curtains

"How's it going Mr Ellis? Feet again?" I question as I pull up my stool. My Ellis worked all of his life but has no insurance, his diabetes is starting to cause trouble with his feet, but he can't afford a hospital so me and Cordelia take care of him for a fraction of the cost. That's what Cordelia wanted when she set this clinic up.

Cordelia and I finish up at the clinic for the day and I head back across the lot for my bike. As I pass the gym I hear heavy metal blasting from the speakers, I walk in and see Adeline in track pants and a sports bra lifting weights, she spots me and gets up to turn the music down

"Howdy Doc, care to join me?" She asks

"No I'm good thanks, just wanted I see what the noise was." I reply

"Nothing drowns our your demons like a big guy with longer hair than you screaming his heart out." She laughs as she moves to the high bars and begins doing pull-ups

"If you ever wanna talk I know the shit swirling round in your head." She says as she lifts her body up, one leg crossed over the other.

"I don't need to talk I'm fine." I reply

"Doc I did six tours, saw shit you never wanna see. I got four brothers all served, my daddy and my granddaddy fought too. My daddy used to run through the house at night looking for them Vietcong and my granddaddy was at Iwo Jima so you get the kinda shit in his head. There ain't nothing in your head I won't understand." She says as she jumps down landing on her right leg.

"Why are you so obsessed with me telling you my story? Want me to cry on your shoulder about the men I lost over there?" She's pissing me off now

"You know what your problem is? You got survivors guilt. You made it and the guy next to you didn't. Now you shut yourself away and feel sorry for yourself. You think your fallen men would want you feeling like this?" She asks as she wipes the sweat from her face

"Fuck off Adeline." I say as I turn to leave

"Hold up let me tell you something." She says and I pause, my back still to her

"You know on my second tour I was supposed to go out on a recon mission in Afghan, my CO pulled me back for a fucking bullshit job. Every single one of my team died when they drove over an IED. Why was it that mission I got pulled from? Why me? Why not one of the others? That sat in my head for years, still does some nights. I figure, I'm still here to make sure they aren't forgotten and I live for them, they died for me to go on living and fuck me if I'm gonna live a wild ride for every single one that I've lost." She says as she stands beside me

"You wanna start living for the boys burned in your brain, so they didn't die for nothing." She adds before walking off in front of me to the clubhouse.

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