Chapter 22 - Adeline

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Fuck I'm going to miss this. My whole body is sore, exhausted and tingling, but in the best way possible. Chris finally passed out a little before 4am and now I'm just lying here watching him sleep. He's so handsome, his short dark hair, but just long enough to grip hold of. The slight stubble on his jaw, the powerful muscles of his body, fuck I love... fucking him, that's what I love, I just love fucking him.

I tear my gaze away from his hot body and grab his shirt making my way into the bathroom. I wonder if he would notice if I stole one of his shirts to take home? I look at myself in the mirror, my hair tangled and bush like, either from him pulling at it or writhing against the pillow I don't know.

I do my business and try my best to fix my hair with my fingers when I hear the familiar shouts coming from the bed. Fuck! The club are going to hear him, this is why he doesn't stay at the clubhouse and I shouldn't have expected him to.

I run across the room and jump onto the bed, straddling his lap, but before I can pin his arms he flips us off the bed and I land on the floor with a thud. He lands on top of me and his hands wrap around my throat, instantly cutting off my air.

"Chris." I croak out but it's no good. I buck my hips and flip us over so I'm back on top, if I could just get his fucking death grip off my neck. I don't want to hurt him. I try clapping my hands and banging my fist on the floor by his ear, I try slapping his face, but again I don't want to hurt him. The lack of oxygen is starting to take my strength and I'm probably going to black out soon, I reach for the nightstand but it crashes to the floor when my clumsy hand knocks it over

"What the fuck?" Taylor growls as he storms into the room and rips me up off Chris throwing me onto the bed

"What the fuck are you doing?" He roars as he punches Doc. The rest of my team come storming in followed by a few club members and they head straight for Chris

"Stop!" I croak but they can't hear me. They're hurting him, exactly what I was trying to avoid. They're going to kill him if they don't stop. I look around me for something, anything to stop them hurting the innocent man they're pummelling and spot Docs gun. I fire a single round into the ceiling and everyone freezes

"Vet. PTSD." Is all I manage to wheeze our but it's effective and they stop hurting him

"What the fucks going on?" Chris asks through bloody lips as he sits up from the floor

"Addy? What happened to your neck?" He gasps as he scrambles through my team to get to me

"I'm ok." I whisper but it does nothing to calm the sheer terror in his eyes. Looking at Chris naked and my team in their underwear I laugh, as best I can with my sore throat, which only leads to me coughing roughly.

"What the fuck is funny?" Moore growls

"I walk in here to find your fuck toy strangling you and you're laughing?" Taylor spits

"I strangled you?" Chris gasps, I try to reach out to him but he pulls away

"Get her to the infirmary I'll go get Cordelia." He says as he slips on some sweats and walks off

"You assholes hurt him." I croak as Nelli hands me a water bottle

"He was strangling you, What the fuck else would we do? He could've killed you." Moore says

"He was a combat medic, well all know the shit he's seen, he has nightmares they aren't his fault. We've all seen men with this, you know what it's like." I make a point to look at Taylor, I know all about his PTSD, but the team don't.

"Put some clothes on, let's get you checked out. I would get Davis to look at you but he's dead with his head in a bucket." Moretti says and I laugh. I slip into my panties and make my way downstairs, I don't have the strength and I can't be bothered messing with my jeans, my fake leg has my boot attached at all times, but my other foot is bare, so I walk a little awkwardly, but I don't give a fuck.

"Where's Chris?" I ask as I meet Cordelia at the infirmary

"I don't know." She shrugs as she looks at my neck, the way it feels I'm guessing it's bruising already.

"Well I'm not getting checked out until he is, he's hurt." I reply

"I know he is but he wouldn't let me look at him." Cordelia sighs. I shake my head and push passed my guys as I head out to the lot. His bike is still here so he hasn't gone home, he's here somewhere. I bet I know where.

I walk across the lot to the gym, not caring about the gravel hurting my bare foot. Sure enough I can hear the sounds of his groans and skin hitting padding. I walk inside and see him punching the hell out of the heavy bag.

"Chris?" I whisper and he turns to look at me. He backs away like I'm holding a live grenade with his hands up

"Get out. Stay away from me Adeline. I don't want you anywhere near me." He cries, tears streaming down his bloody face

"Chris please, I need you right now." I say as I take one step forward

"I hurt you, your neck is bruised, I could've killed you. If this happened at my place and no one was around to help what would've happened?" He sounds so defeated

"But I'm fine, you think a few bruises bother me? You didn't hurt me Chris, this wasn't you, this was your nightmares. You. Didn't. Hurt. Me." I take another step

"No, stay away." He warns

"Well I refused to let Cordelia look at me until your wounds were treated and I'm not budging." I say folding my arms over my chest.

"I'm fine, it's the least I deserve. You shouldn't have stopped them, they had every right to kick my ass for what I've done to you." I want to cry for him, hell I just might

"Chris, you're breaking my heart right now. I need to hold you and I don't want you to stop me." I take my steps slowly, scared to spook him until I have him pinned against the far wall. I wrap my arms around him and we collapse to the ground together. I hold him as tight as I can as I let him cry into my lap.

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