Chapter 12 - Adeline

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It's still dark as I creep out to Bernadette and climb in the drivers seat. Not that the purr of her engine is exactly quiet, but I try my best not to wake the rest of the clubhouse as I drive out.

Seen as it looks as though I'll be here for a few months time to get friendly with the good Doc and get him to open up to me before his demons swallow him whole.

"Morning Doc." I smile as he emerges from the side of his house with his gun drawn, wearing work out clothes.

"Why the fuck are you here? It's 5am." He growls as he puts his gun down on the rail of the front porch.

"Well I figure your demons wake you up between 4-4:30, then I'm guessing you work out. Needles told me about this trail in the woods he runs on the weekends, thought you might like to be my work out buddy." I smile and from the look on his face I can tell I'm right about the time he wakes up

"Hop in big guy, I figure we can get a decent run in before breakfast at the clubhouse, if you can keep up with me that is." I smirk as I get back in my car. He hesitates for a few minutes, probably deciding whether he can spend that long with my annoying ass, but then he surprises me by walking over to my door

"I'll follow you on my bike." He growls as I roll down the window

"You got it big guy." I smirk as I watch him walk over to his motorcycle and mount up.

I decide to have some fun on the journey and see if his Harley can keep up with Bernadette, which apparently it can.

"You think you can keep up with me or shall I let you set the pace?" I ask as I stretch my muscles out

"I'll be fine." He growls

"Alrighty then, let's do this." I smirk as I take off into the tree line.

Fair play to the Doc, he can keep up, but after running for over an hour my left thigh is screaming at me as I make it back to my car, Doc right beside me. I open the passenger door and grab two water bottles, tossing one to Doc. I groan as I rub at the aching muscles of my thigh

"You alright?" Doc asks, I look up and see he's taken his sweat soaked tshirt off, leaving him only in his shorts. Damn he's a fine specimen of man, his muscles glistening in the early morning sun.

"I'm fine." I shrug as I continue to rub at the troublesome thigh

"Don't be so fucking stubborn if you're hurt." He says as he backs me up against the hood of my car

"What are you gonna do about it?" I smirk raising my eyebrow at him. The tension between us crackles with electricity as he tries to stare me down.

His lips crash against mine as he pushes me against my car with his body. I wrap my arms around him as his lips assault mine and he growls as he bites my lower lip. His tongue thrusts into my mouth as we fight for dominance and I moan at his taste.

My fingers tease the sweaty skin of his shoulders as his lips move down to my neck. This is anything but gentle, this is rough and raw and exactly how I like it.

"You have any idea how fucking crazy you drive me?" Doc growls against my neck before biting down on the delicate skin

"Show me." I smirk as I pull him up to look at me. His hands roughly grip my waist as he spins me around and throws me against the hood of my car. His hands smooth up the skin of my ribs under my shirt before cupping my breasts as I feel his hardness grind against my ass. He pinches my hard nipples between his fingers through my sports bra and I bite my bottom lip to stifle the moan desperate to escape.

"Fuck me Doc. Fuck me right now." I plead as I grind against him desperate to ease the ache between my thighs. He almost rips my track pants as he pulls them and my panties just enough to reveal myself to him. Without any warning he buries himself inside me and I cry out as I brace myself against the car. He's so big he's stretching my walls to my limit but it feels so fucking good

"Fuck!" I cry as he buries himself inside of me at a furious pace. He wraps his arm under me around my waist pulling me back to him with every thrust and I can't stop from moaning out at the mixture of pleasure and pain.

"Fuck, Doc, I'm..." my orgasm tears through my whole body as I rest my head on the cool metal of the car just trying to stop my legs from collapsing from under me. He thrusts into me one final time before groaning out his climax and collapsing on top of me, resting his head between my shoulder blades.

"Holy fuck that was good." I laugh as he moves off of me and I stand up, pulling my pants back up. I take a quick scan of the area and I'm glad to find we haven't attracted an audience, no way I could've kept quiet during that mind blowing orgasm.

"Fuck." Doc curses as he buckles his belt

"My thoughts exactly." I smirk and he shakes his head

"We shouldn't have, I shouldn't..." he mumbles

"Hey, that was fucking amazing don't go worrying about me, I like it rough." I reply

"No I mean... I didn't use a condom." He says running his hands through his hair

"Well as long as you don't mind a touch of syphilis we're all good." He looks up at me shocked and I laugh

"Just kidding, I got tested not long ago and I'm on birth control. You have no idea how hard it is to find a tampon in the desert." I reply

"This cant happen again Adeline you're fucking married." He says as he turns and begins walking to his bike

"But Doc.."

"No I don't want to hear it, you may be able to live with cheating on your man while he's fighting but it doesn't sit right with me." He interrupts mounting his motorcycle

"Doc listen to me." I shout as I stomp towards him

"No I don't want to hear it. Stay the fuck away from me."

"But he's dead." I whisper to myself as he rides away. You know what, I'll just let him be a stubborn asshole, I didn't do a damn thing wrong, we both wanted that.

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