Chapter 25 - Doc

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A/N: Hello Lovelies! This story has reached 20K views, so have an early update. Hope you're enjoying it so far. Shit is about to hit the fan! Xxx

"Ok I've never worked military style so you tell me what we need." Cordelia smiles at Taylor as we stand in the infirmary.

"You've got a good set up here, I didn't think a biker club would have equipment like this." Taylor replies

"That's all Doc, the clinic is my baby, this is Docs show." She smiles

"Well obviously you're heavily pregnant and won't be here when it goes down so Doc and I will be running things in here." Taylor says

"Oh sweetie, just because I'm growing a fourth human does not mean I will abandon my family when shit hits the fan, I'll be here, in my scrubs ready to work and nothing you say will change that, lord knows Killer tries but first and foremost I am a nurse, soldier." Cordelia warns

"Alright another tough chick, I like it, well let's get to work then." Taylor smiles. The infirmary is prepped to be set up in seconds just like the med stations I remember and Taylor has insisted I join him for a beer.

"I'm sorry I fucked up your face man, I didn't know what was happening." He says pointing to the stitches on my cheek

"I deserved it." I shrug.

"No, you didn't, had I known the situation I would've handled it differently." He replies

"I strangled her so bad her neck is black, I think I deserved more than a few punches."

"Did Addy ever tell you how she and I met?" He asks and I shake my head.

"We had crossed paths on tour a couple times but when she lost her leg she and I ended up living by the VA hospital in the same apartment building. I had PTSD and had tried to kill myself. She took me under her wing, then recruited me. You know what my trigger was?" He asks but I don't reply

"Kids. There was this park and it always had kids smiling, laughing and playing. I would turn into a complete mess, have flashbacks and lose my shit. You know what it was like over there, killing men and losing brothers was bad enough but the part that stuck with me, nearly destroyed me. In total I have murdered three kids." I never saw it first hand but I had heard about children being recruited to strap on a suicide belt and walk up to the Americans.

"I still feel it when I see kids, but after a fuck ton of professional help and a great support group I live a normal life."

"So Adeline sent you to talk to me, because I need help." I reply

"No, Addy didn't say anything to me. But I've been where you are and I'm out the other side. I know you can't see it right now, but you can get to the other side. Addy definitely cares about you, so I don't want to see her fucking sad eyes, moping over your miserable ass." He smirks

"Where's Addy? My brother wants to talk to her." Scarlett says as she approaches us,

"she's on the roof with Killer, I'll take it baby mama, you sit your cute little ass down." Taylor winks taking the phone

"Hey Wilson, it's Taylor, what's up man?" He smiles into the phone

"Oh fuck!" He curses

"Get everyone together now!" Taylor shouts to me as he runs for the roof access.

"I'm on it!" Scarlett calls as she runs outside.

"Circuit, call everyone in, 911." I say as I lean against his office doorway

"What's up?" Moretti asks

"I don't know, all I know is Taylor spoke to Scarlett's brother and was running for Adeline when he told me to call my guys in." I shrug

"Well shit that can't be good." Moretti says as he walks passed me out of the office. I head back to the bar to find Adeline and her team carrying boxes from the armoury.

"Ok listen up." Adeline says from the head of the table

"I hoped we had more time to discuss this but we don't. I know this is Killers club but this is my game and I'm running shit, don't like it, get out now." She pauses to look around the room but no one moves

"Alright well let's begin, I've got a shit ton to cover and no time to do it." She groans. She fills us all in on the man hunting her down and his team. This definitely isn't going to be easy.

"So, I wanted all the women and kids off site for this, but there's no time for that. I want all the women secure in the bar, I want a van at each exit and I want the keys in them ready. If they blow the clubhouse we get them out first, above anything else."

"What about you?" Ice smirks

"Captain peg leg goes down with the ship." Nelli says and she laughs

"I want me, Taylor and Davis on the roof with Bullet. I want Nelli, Moore, Killer and Reaper on the roof of the gym. You will be there in case they attack from the woodland to the east of the compound. But I suspect they will attack from the woods across from the front of clubhouse. It's the easiest route in and out. The rest of you spread out on the lot. We do not defend any of the other buildings, they can be rebuilt, we only protect the clubhouse. Doc and Cordelia will be in the infirmary. I want every single man in armour and with a comm in the next thirty minutes." She orders as Nelli begins passing out armour and Circuit hands out ear pieces

"What about when people start calling in automatic gunfire to the local PD?" BFG asks

"We've already contacted them, they think it's an FBI, CIA, FED, whatever bullshit op and they are not to get involved. I don't need Officer Donut fucking up my op." She replies.

"Why are you so sure this is happening now?" Bullet asks

"This is the bad bit, brace yourself boys." She lets out a long breath as she looks at her team

"Commander Greyson is the leak."

"Mother fucker!" Moore curses jumping up from his seat

"He's the reason the original mission went south and he's the reason they know exactly where I am right now."

"Why the fuck would he leak us? He's the fucking top of the fucking organisation!" Moretti adds

"Apparently he's not only been funnelling cash out, he's got a long list of women on the side, that his wife would not approve of and would take his kids and all his money in a divorce." She explains

"So they blackmailed him to give you up?" Taylor sighs

"Yup." Addy says popping the P.

"Look Greyson has been hogtied in the bunks to be dealt with at a later date. For now Mike is running the show, he's got a drone on the way, I just need you to connect to the feed and we will know what's coming." Adeline says looking to Circuit

"Done." Circuit nods

"Ok, get your gear on, test your comms, take a piss, get some food, get some water, get your weapons and get ready for a stake out. They're coming, it could be hours before they attack, but we need to be ready." She says before walking out of the room.

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