Chapter 28 - Adeline

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"Tell me how many tangos get off that bus." I say as I check and double check my rifle. Taylor dishes out spare rounds and Bullet smiles like a kid at Disney world as he loads the grenade gun.

"I got a total of 43." Moretti says and I smile

"The whole gang is here, get ready to party boys." I say through my comms.

"35 are on the move. The remaining eight seem to be staying behind." Moretti says,

"They've stopped half way." Circuit says

"Fifteen tangos are moving, the rest are one click away." Moretti says

"The music worked, they don't think we're ready for them. It's going to come in waves, take out the first wave and the rest will come running. Fire on my order." I say into the comm

"Two hundred feet." Moretti says

"You should have eyes on them.... now."

"Got 'em. Taylor, Davis, take the west edge Bullet and I take the right. Let's see what these fuckers do first." I whisper as Taylor and Davis move to the other edge of the building

"They don't have night vision, I expected more from them." Davis whispers. I watch as the fifteen men spread across the edge of the tree line and wait to see what they'll do

"Grenade! Open fire!" I order as we fire at them. The four of us begin taking the men down, three fall as I shoot the man holding the grenade and it explodes in his hand.

"Shit they're flanking us, there's ten tangos on the east." Moretti calls

"Gym open fire, take them down! Ground support, split yourselves half out front half to the east!" I order.

"Fuck!" I curse as I fly back landing flat on my back

"Johnson is hit!" Taylor calls

"I'm good, I'm good. My armour caught it." I call as I push myself up and get back to my rifle. That fucker will bruise tomorrow.

After several minutes all of them are down

"Where's that second wave Moretti?" I ask as I sit back on my ass

"They still haven't moved. I've got twenty tangos one click up ahead and the east side is empty." Moretti replies

"The prospects are gonna hate cleaning this shit up." Bullet smirks before he takes a drink of water

"Once this is over Mike will send a clean up crew, don't worry about it." I reply.

"Anyone hurt?" I ask and get all no's, good.

"Why is the second wave not coming?" Davis asks

"I dunno, maybe waiting for us to relax? Let us think that was it and then once we give up they hit us." I shrug.

"Adeline." I look behind me and see Doc standing by the hatch

"Get down. What the fuck are you doing up here?" I ask as I crawl towards him

"I heard you were hit, I want to check you're ok." He replies

"I'm fine, it caught the top of my armour." I reply but obviously my word isn't enough as he moves my armour and checks my chest

"You're probably gonna bruise." He says and I notice his eyes move to my neck for a second before he looks up at me.

"I'm fine, how are the girls holding up downstairs?" I reply

"Scarlett and Cordelia are itching to get in on the action, Indigo is worried about Bullet, but everyone else seems to be doing alright." He shrugs

"Wait did anyone else hear that?" Taylor says

"Take cover!" I order as a mortar round explodes behind the clubhouse

"Get the girls down!" I shout to Doc as he heads for the hatch

"Where the fuck did that come from?" I bark

"The tangos in the woods, they're too far away for you to get a shot." Moretti replies

"Mother fucker. Get Wilson on the line, I want a fucking gunship up here yesterday!" I order

"At least their aim is shit." Davis says as another round explodes in the trees to the east

"How many will it take for them to get a hit? I need to take it out." I reply

"I can't reach Wilson." Moretti says

"Remind me to punch that fucker next time I see him." I groan. Ok so no gunship and they're too far away for me to shoot. I need a plan and fast.

"Should we evacuate the women?" Circuit asks

"No, it's too late for that, they could be followed and we can't protect them, they'll just have to ride it out with us now." I sigh

"Incoming!" Davis calls as we duck for cover

"Fuck that was close." Bullet says as dirt rains down on us. I hear the familiar pop and whistle warning me of incoming and the building shakes beneath me as it explodes behind us

"I'm hit!" Moore's voice comes through the comms

"Fuck. Medic to the gym!" I order

"Nelli is down!" Moore says

"Nelli!?" I roar

"Is he alive? Tell me he's alive Moore!" I order but nothing but silence.

"Doc? Moore? Someone give me a fucking update!" I call as I crawl across the roof and look towards the gym. The front right side of the roof is gone, just a pile of rubble on the floor

"He's got a pulse, but he's bad." Doc finally says

"Get him inside and I want five minute updates." I reply.

"We need to take out that fucking mortar." I growl

"Taylor, get the rope." I say as I slip my rifle over my shoulder

"You're not going out there alone." Taylor replies

"And you're not in charge, the fucking rope." I scold. Taylor shakes his head but ties off the rope and throws it over the side of the building. Another round explodes in the lot.

"I need one of the ground support to take my place on the roof." I say as I throw myself over the side and slide down the rope

"Make that two." Taylor says as he follows me down

"What are you doing?" I say as we duck for cover

"I'm coming with you. Moretti said there were twenty tangos, you're good but fuck Addy."

"Fine, lets do this." I say as we run for the tree line

"Moretti you tell me if those tangos so much as sneeze, me and Taylor are moving in." I whisper as I take my rifle off my shoulder and begin to head deeper into the woods.

MC Soldier (Broken Demons MC #6)Where stories live. Discover now