Chapter 9 - Doc

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A\N: Hello Lovelies! 3K views on the first day! I'm amazed. Thank you for your support, your votes and your comments, I love chatting with you xxx

What am I doing? I could've easily driven one of the trucks home and had a prospect collect it, I prefer staying in my own place. So why did I spend last night at the clubhouse? It definitely wasn't in case Adeline needed me. She's right, she does piss me off, I don't care about her. So why did she feel so fucking good in my arms as I carried her to her room and lay her on the bed? I could've just left her at the club for Needles or the prospects to deal with, why did I have to take her home? When I saw her slumped in the booth drunk as hell why did I feel the need to protect her, take care of her? It must be because she's a fellow soldier and we take care of our own. Or that she's my patient, it's got to be one of those.

All these thoughts ran through my head at 5am as I worked out in the gym, the rest of the compound in darkness.

"I swear to fuck if this sickness doesn't end soon I'm going to find my gun and start shooting up the fucking place." Scarlett growls as she walks into the kitchen with Knuckles.

"Here try this." Cordelia says handing Scarlett a cup of some herbal tea Cordelia swears by

"Hey that's actually.... oh fuck." Scarlett runs from the room wither hand over her mouth

"Hide the weapons." Knuckles sighs as he follows after her

"I haven't had any sickness at all, but I won't be telling her that." Evie giggles as she sits in Reapers lap, he runs his hand over her small bump.

"Jesus, Mary and Joseph, who turned up the lights?" Adeline stumbles into the kitchen wearing the same clothes as last night and sunglasses.

"Morning drinking buddy." Needles smiles

"Fuck you and your drinking buddy I'm done. I'm taking a night off." Adeline says as she searches for the coffee maker.

"Aww come on now, don't be a quitter. We're just getting started." Needles pouts

"Hey now, I didn't say nothing about quitting, just taking a night off, I'm pausing not stopping. Back on tomorrow night." Adeline groans as she pours a cup of coffee

"Ooh I have an idea." Cordelia interrupts

"Scarlett feels like shit, what about a salon day. Would a mani pedi make your hangover better?" Cordelia asks.

"As long as I don't have to take off these sunglasses." Adeline groans. A soft moan leaves her lips after her first taste of coffee, what would her moans sound like if I was touching her? No, get those thoughts out of your fucking head.

"I'm in, it's my day off from the parlour, I'll text Indigo and Skye now." Evie smiles as she pulls out her cellphone.

"Doc would you mind manning the clinic alone? We don't have as many appointments today." Cordelia asks turning to me

"No problem." That's what I need to distract me from my thoughts, a busy day of work. I pick up my empty plate and head for the sink

"Thank you for taking care of me last night." Adeline says pulling me to the side

"No problem." I shrug

"No I mean it, I tend to run my mouth when I'm drunk, I hope I wasn't too much of an asshole." She adds resting her hand on my forearm, why do I feel so fucking warm when she touches me?

"Meet me in the infirmary so I can get to the clinic." I say as I turn and walk out.

"Let's do this I need a shower I smell like a fucking distillery." Adeline groans as she stumbles into the infirmary

"You sleep in your clothes last night?" I smirk as she lies on the bed

"No, I just didn't have it in me to put my pjs on last night or find anything clean this morning." She shrugs, my mind wanders to thoughts of her naked body wrapped up in her sheets when I was only across the hall.

"You alright there big guy? You drifted off" Adeline smirks looking up at me

"Yeah this wound isn't healing the way I would like, I may have to bring Cordelia in on this. But you can trust her as much as me." I say as I examine her stomach

"Whatever you gotta do." She shrugs

"Sorry for being a drunk mess last night, I bet I was the last person you wanted to be stuck with." She says as she lies on the bed, her long blonde hair spread across the pillow, her long legs crossed at the ankles and her arms up with her hands under the pillow. She's a patient, get your head out of your ass.

"This has got to be hurting you, you sure you don't want any pain meds at all?" I ask as I pull out my cell and text Cordelia

"Nah, I hate the things, had a buddy who got hooked on them, I can handle a lot of pain, and it sounds kinda twisted but I like that I can feel the pain." She replies, I get that, pain is better than feeling numb, I know that all too well.

"What's going on? Addy what happened?" Cordelia asks as she pulls on some gloves and examines the wound.

"How old is this?" Cordelia asks

"Happened three days before I got here, I pulled the slug out myself but didn't want the big bosses knowing I got shot, so Doc was the first person to look at it." Adeline replies

"Ok, I've seen something like this before, I know what to do." Cordelia smiles as she heads to the back to gather supplies.

In the end I left Cordelia working on Adeline as I headed to the clinic. Cordelia is an amazing nurse, there doesn't seem to be anything she hasn't come across and if there's a chance she can save her patient she'll do anything, even things she would never be allowed to do at a hospital.

I set up what I need for the day and check the diary to see what patients I have. I need to bury my head in my work and stop thinking about Adeline. She pisses me off, she's loud and annoying and I'm sure she'll be gone soon anyway.

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