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As I drive out of the airport I turn my cell back on. After being gone for two weeks I have a lot of voicemails and messages waiting for me. Scarlett complaining about being nine months pregnant, Chris texting me goodnight, even though he knows I can't use my cell, I love that he still does that. My cell rings

"Johnson." I answer

"Johnson it's Johnson."

"Ah! Anthony Johnson Junior how you doing bro?" I smile

"I'm doing good, how's life in North Carolina?" He asks

"I don't know, I just got back from a business trip, I'm driving home now." I reply

"I just wanted to check in, you still coming to us for Christmas? Mom won't shut up about meeting your boyfriend. How's Christopher?" He asks

"We're coming, she'll love him and he's fine. I'm excited for you guys to meet him too, but don't be doing the whole protective brother act. My team already tried that." I warn

"Hey if I want to take him into my garage and introduce him to some of my power tools that's just friendly conversation." He laughs

"I'll give you friendly conversation. I gotta go I'm pulling up at the house, talk soon AJ." I say as I pull up in the driveway

"Talk soon AJ." He laughs as he ends the call

I groan as I climb out of my car. When I die and end up in hell it still won't be as hot as the fucking African desert. I pull my keys from my pocket and open the front door as I slip inside

"I'm home!" I call to my empty home as I dump my bag by the door and make my way to my bedroom

"Welcome home baby." He says as he grabs me from behind and I scream

"You scared the shit out of me asshole." I laugh as Chris wraps his arms around my waist

"I thought you would be at the clinic?" I ask as we walk into the bedroom

"I had a few free appointments and knew you were coming back so I snuck out for a couple hours." He replies

"Well I need a shower, that desert was hot like I never felt before." I say as I pull my shirt over my head

"I was hoping you'd say that." He growls as he bites my shoulder. I squeal as he picks me up and carries me into the bathroom.

"I need to get back to the clinic, you gonna stay here and rest or wanna come with me to the clubhouse?" Chris asks as he dries his wet hair with a towel

"I wanna see how my babies are doing!" I say as I slip on my jeans and my leg. Cordelia had a little girl a couple of months ago called Lily. Evie had a boy a month later called Callum and Scarlett is going to pop any day now.

"Yeah well you might change your mind when you see the mood on Scarlett these past couple of days." He smirks as I slip into my property cut, yeah, he made me his official old lady and although the whole property thing didn't sit right with me I'll take it, because my man is sexy as hell and he is my property.

He takes my hand as we walk out to the garage and I grab my helmet as he pushes his motorcycle out.

"Ready?" He asks as I settle in my seat behind him

"Ready to wrap around this hot body? Hell yeah!" I smirk and he laughs.

"I'll come get you after my last appointment." Chris says as he pulls me against him for a passionate kiss

"You're home." Indigo smiles as I walk into the bar

"I am, how bad is she?" I ask and Indigo winces

"Go see for yourself, she's in the kitchen." She says pointing down the hall

"Where's my beautiful sister carrying my niece?" I ask as I step into the kitchen

"Woah, what is all this?" I say as I look at the mess all over the counter

"I am officially sick of being too uncomfortable to sleep, too tired to do anything and too fat to fit in anything, I want this baby out!" Scarlett cries as she leans against the refrigerator eating pineapple. She's wearing one of Knuckles shirts and sweat pants

"Oh sweetie but you look great, you're doing good." I smile as I wrap my arm around her

"You're lucky I don't have my gun." She replies

"Here you go babe, oh Jesus." Knuckles says as he walks into the kitchen paper bag in hand and sees the mess she's made.

"Oh man that smells bad, what is that?" I say as Scarlett takes the bag from Knuckles

"Spicy food is meant to induce labour, it's this like chilli jalapeño mess, I don't care as long as it works. And if it doesn't we're having sex again Caleb, because that is supposed to work too." She says as she scoops up chilli with a chunk of pineapple

"Anything you need babe." Knuckles replies

"Good luck to you man." I laugh as I pat him on the shoulder and retreat to the safety of the bar. My cell buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out to find a message

Needles: You back in the country yet? I've missed my drinking buddy these past two weeks

Adeline: I'm back, bring your A game tonight!

I reply quickly before settling down to catch up what I missed with Indigo.

Night has fallen and I find myself sitting in Chris' lap in a booth in Scars as Needles and I play the stupid drinking game we love.

"You've got two weeks to make up for, I need inside you now." Chris growls in my ear

"I'm exhausted from my trip, I better get some rest." I say as I stretch

"Damnit Doc, the game was just getting good." Needles groans and I laugh. The ride home on Chris' motorcycle is quick, desperate to make up for the time we spent apart. Chris picks me up and carries me into our bedroom. When I first moved in he tried to get me to sleep in the guest room in case he hurt me, but I refused. He still has nightmares a couple of times a month, but with the help of his therapist, he's come so far.

He throws me down on the bed and climbs on top of me, he lifts my shirt and his lips immediately hit his favourite spot on my body. Part of becoming an old lady is a tattoo of the club logo, but Killer and Chris agreed with me that if a mission went wrong and I had the club logo on my skin it could mean trouble for the club, so instead I have Christopher tattooed along my rib cage.

His lips travel along my ribs as he reaches behind me to unhook my bra.

"I fucking missed you." Doc says as his lips set my skin on fire

"I love you Chris." I sigh as my fingers tug at his hair

"I love you." He replies.

MC Soldier (Broken Demons MC #6)Where stories live. Discover now