Chapter 6 - Adeline

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I may not be here for long but I'm making it my mission to get Docs head out of his ass. I've seen it too many times, men come home surrounded by empty seats of the guys who are never coming back and they go all quiet then before you know you find 'em swinging from a rope in their closet.

"Hey ladies." I say as I walk into the bar and find the old ladies gathered around a booth

"Hey Adeline, join us" Scarlett says as I walk over and take a seat

"I don't think we've met I'm Adeline." I say as I shake hands with a blue haired girl

"I'm Skye, nice to meet you." She replies, I've already met Indigo and Scarlett I know, but the other three

"Let me do intros, this is Cordelia, Killers wife, pregnant with her fourth and awesome nurse, Izzy married to Sonny and owns the best salon in town, Evie is with Reaper and pregnant too and Skye is Circuits wife." Scarlett says as she points to the girls around the table

"How did y'all just pick one, this is a fine looking bunch of guys." I ask and they laugh

"I think we all drooled when we first met the guys." Scarlett laughs

"I've seen the cute little kids running round, who's is who's?" I ask

"I've got Diesel and the twin boys Hunter and Cole and I'm finally having my girl. Izzy has a little girl Camilla and Skye has Delilah. Now Scarlett and Evie are joining us in the mommy club." Cordelia smiles as I congratulate them all

"So Scarlett, you and Knuckles decided on babies right after getting married huh?" I smirk but she turns pale

"Hold up, Scarlett and Knuckles aren't married yet, are you?" Skye asks

"I hadn't told the girls yet, we got married a couple of months ago." Scarlett says

"Damn, sorry girl, Mike never told me it was a secret wedding." I say as I facepalm mentally for my big mouth

"You got married without us?" Cordelia gasps

"Remember when Knuckles and I went away for the weekend? We went to Vegas and got married in a chapel, then had sex in the alley. My total dream wedding." Scarlett says and I laugh, my kinda girl.

"And you never told us? I'm hurt." Skye gasps, clearly being sarcastic

"I just didn't see myself in a big white dress, I wore leather and Knuckles wore jeans, it's what I wanted, just me, him and Elvis." Scarlett laughs as the girls join in

"You know I got married in Vegas, most probably the same Elvis." I laugh

"How long have you been married?" Cordelia asks

"Oh we got married 5 years ago, just before I got deployed, we weren't going to get married, weren't even engaged, then my orders came through and he dragged me to Vegas before I left." I laugh thinking back to the madness of it all

"We'd only been dating 6 months so it was pretty crazy, then before I got back he got deployed too." I shrug

"You got any kids?" Izzy asks and I shake my head

"No, but I've got over 20 nieces and nephews between my four older brothers." I laugh

"Damn, this was my last try for a girl, if it was another boy I was going to give up, how did your mom cope?" Cordelia laughs

"Well my daddy said mom insisted they keep trying until she got a girl, so 5th time lucky she finally got her princess but then my daddy had me shooting before I could walk and her dream for a princess was over." I laugh, I've always been one of the boys, how can you not be having four brothers to wrestle?

"I was like that with Mike and our dad." Scarlett laughs

"Hey Skye, your man is the tech guy right?" I ask and she nods

"You think he could set me up a secure server so I can check on some intel?" I ask and she laughs

"He's the clubs tech guy but I could totally kick his ass." She smirks as she pulls a laptop out the back of her wheelchair and begins working away.

"Here you go, can access anything and leave no trail." Skye smiles as she hands me her laptop

"Mind if I.." I say as I motion to an empty table

"Go ahead, close it when you're done and even I won't see what you were doing." Skye replies as I move from my seat.

"Damn." I look up and see Ice stalking my way, I look down and realise I'm still in my damn work out clothes

"Howdy Ice, How you doin'?" I smile as he sits at the table opposite me

"I'm good, you coming to Scars tonight? Figure I could give you that ride home." He smirks

"Yeah, I'm hoping to beat Needles at his own games." I laugh, I finish up what I was doing on the computer and stand from my seat

"Well I better go shower and get ready, see you at the club." I say as I hand the laptop back to Skye and make for my room, that Ice is pretty hot but he's too much of a pretty boy for my liking and I can already tell he's just looking for the love mommy never gave him.

As I shower and change into jeans, a black shirt and my boots I think over the intel I just checked out. I still can't figure out how the target knew where I was. I can sneak up on people in the middle of the open desert and yet I couldn't do it in the middle of Manhattan? Something isn't sitting right and I don't understand why Greyson sent me away, if he let me I could've fixed it by now, target eliminates and asset found.

I head back down to the bar and find the guys gathering to head to the club

"Who's my ride tonight?" I ask looking around the room

"You can ride with me and Circuit in our car." Skye says as she wheels for the door

"I thought I was giving you a ride?" Ice asks as his eyes scan my body

"Ice you're cute and all but you're not gonna find the love mommy never gave you in my panties." I say as I pat him on the shoulder and the guys burst with laughter

"Damn. Circuit I'm leaving you." Skye smirks

"Let's go." I say as I follow her out to the lot.

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