Chapter 8 - Adeline

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A/N: Hello lovelies! This book has had 1.5K views already on the first day! So I'm having a good day in my pjs eating cold pizza from last night while the baby naps, so I figure another update was due, hope you're enjoying ❤️

"You're fucking beautiful. How about we get out of here?" I look at the guy beside me, huh, I'd throw him a bone, but I'm having fun with the guys tonight.

"Sorry, I'm married and here with friends, but thanks." I say shaking my head but then he wraps his arm around my waist and his hand lands on my ass. No doesn't mean no huh? I wave Scarlett over

"You mind if I kick this douchebags ass?" I ask and she checks out said douchebag before replying

"Take him in the parking lot and fuck him up."

"Let's go." I smile at douchebag as I take his hand and lead him outside

"What's your name handsome?" I smile

"Ben." He replies

"Well Ben, looks like you need a lesson on the word no." I growl before slamming my fist into his nose. A slight over reaction possibly. But as a girl in the forces I am all too familiar with what happens to girls when men don't take no for an answer. I'm lucky that nothing has ever happened to me, but I know too many girls that have been hurt, including Scarlett. Her brother confided in me when he found out what she went through with that sick Russian fuck and if she hadn't ended him my hand would've been the first one up for the job.

A crowd has gathered and I hear words of encouragement from Needles and Scarlett.

"You ready Ben?" I growl

"You fucking psycho bitch!" He spits as he charges at me, silly boy. I slam my fist into his rib cage as the air rushes from his lungs. This isn't a fight for survival this is a good old fashioned beat down.

The dull throb of my knuckles almost brings a smile to my face as I pound my fists into Bens body

"What was that Ben? You'll have to speak up." I smile as I hover over him

"Stop." He groans from bloodied lips

"I'm sorry did you say stop? Because I said no and you didn't hear me." I reply in a sweet voice. I pull my fist back and he flinches, crying out.

"Alright I think you've learned your lesson douchebag." I laugh as I straighten up and stretch out my fists, my knuckles already beginning to swell and bruise

"Now who wants to buy me a drink?" I laugh as I look at the crowd

"Girl the rest of your nights on me." Scarlett laughs and I squeal as Needles picks me up and carries me back inside

"You kicked his ass girl, I'm impressed." He laughs. Needles and I have become good friends over the passed week, mostly because we have been getting drunk together every night since I got here. He's a really nice guy and funny as hell, he isn't too bad on the eyes either.

"I'm sorry about tonight, so much for a quiet drink." I say as Doc takes my hand in his and places ice wrapped in a towel on my knuckles

"Don't worry about it." He shrugs

"No I mean it, I know this isn't your scene and you didn't want to come with me." I reply

"Come on Addy you ready?" Needles says placing another tray of shots on the bar

"Jesus, I don't know if I can keep up, better make this the last round." I laugh as I pick up a shot and the game begins.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" Knuckles asks as I try to stay upright in the booth, I may be a little drunk

"Dude I have four big brothers, I had no choice." I laugh

"Your brothers serve too?" He asks

"Damn right. Every man in my family has served for generations. I was the first girl to join up, but my cousin Teresa soon followed. Adam and Aaron are navy seals and Aiden and Anthony jr are in the army like I was." My chest puffs with pride as I talk about my brothers.

"Fuck, I wouldn't want to mess with your family." Knuckles laughs

"Hello no, but my brothers are awesome. You guys would love them." I reply. After shooting the shit for a while Knuckles heads over to the bar where his girl is looking pretty tired.

"I think it's time we got you home." Doc suddenly appears

"Ok, but I can't leave Bernadette behind, now I'm trusting you with my baby, don't hurt her." I say as I dangle my car keys in front of me, how wasted am I? Damn I better cut back.

"Come on." Doc says as he takes my keys and helps me to my feet. When did the floor start spinning?

"Woah, hold on to me." He says as he wraps my arm around his shoulder, he's damn tall that can't be comfortable for him.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I ask as we stumble across the parking lot

"What do you mean?" He asks

"Well I know I piss you off, I'm not an idiot. You don't need to babysit me, normally a prospect takes me home." I reply

"You were my ride before you got hammered. I'm just taking you back to the clubhouse." He replies as he opens the passenger door and helps me get seated.

I must've nodded off because next thing I know there are a pair of strong arms wrapped around me

"What's going on?" I ask as I look around

"You're ok, were at the clubhouse, I'm taking you to your room." Doc says, this I could get used to, I feel like a feather in his strong arms as I rest my head on his solid chest

"Now we're talking." Dial it down slut, I mentally facepalm. Doc carries me through the clubhouse and upstairs to my room. How he managed to unlock and open my door without putting me down I don't know, he must be super strong.

I sigh as he lies me down on my bed and begins unlacing my boots. My boots!

"You don't have to undress me soldier I got it." I say as I sit up with a slight sway.

"You got it. See you in the morning Adeline." Doc says as he stands and heads for the door. I watch that ass walk away in those jeans, damn.

As easily as I can in my drunken state I undress and forgo sleepwear before collapsing back on the bed, I gotta cut back on my drinking or my liver is gonna be begging for active duty.

MC Soldier (Broken Demons MC #6)Where stories live. Discover now