Chapter Two

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My eyelids fly open and I start crying. Calm down, calm down. It was just another nightmare. I shutter and try to steady my breath, taking stuttering deep breaths. I glance over at my bedside clock and groan. My nightmares have been becoming more frequent and right when I fall asleep. Usually whenever I sleep, it consists of two dreams. A normal one and a nightmare. Now it was just nightmares. I sighed, still staring at my clock. It was only 9:30.

"Sophie?!?" Jason burst in my room. Did I really call him out loud?!? I put my head down so my hair would cover my face, so I could clear up the rest of my face of tears. I glanced through my hair and saw Jason's panic stricken face soften. I glance back down and try to keep my tears under control, as I glance back up. "Yeah?" I force a smile.

Jason comes and sits on my bed, taking my hands and rubbing my knuckles. "You called me. Well... More like screamed my name. What's wrong?" His piercing blue eyes bored into mine and I couldn't keep it together. I just broke down in tears again. He pulls me into his arms and I hug him tightly. "What is it?" He whispered as he put his chin on top of my head. I attempt to pull myself together, but miserably fail. I pull away from him and look him in the eyes, salty tears still streaming out of mine. I probably looked a mess.

I don't cry pretty. I probably have snot streaming out of my nose right about now. Tears still streaming down my face I attempt to tell him. We agreed no secrets. "I had a nightmare of... Axl raping me again. It felt so real." I choked out as Jason's face turned white, along with his knuckles. "I'm so sorry Sophie." Jason wrapped me back in a tight hug. I've talked to Jason about this, knowing I could always trust him. It helped me realize what a bad boyfriend Axl really was. All the cheating, and... Verbal abuse.

He use to hit me when he was drunk. I never thought anything of it, because I thought he didn't know what he was doing. But he did. Jason hated Axl with a passion and well.. I don't know how I felt. Yeah, he abused me and raped me... But I use to love him. We had good times together, and he spent time with me when my family wouldn't. I wiped my eyes and wiggled out of Jason's grasp, standing and picking up Athena and walking over to her cage. "Sophie... Why won't you take him to court?" Jason came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, as I carefully set Athena in her cage. "Jason... I would. But it's two late.

It's been two years and I would have to do tests and there's no evidence. There's no point in doing it now." I sigh and turn in his arms to face him. His eyebrows crinkle together in frustration. He set his forehead against mine and I stared into his big eyes as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I know. I just wish there was something I could do." He sighs and I see hurt in his icy blue eyes. "I know." I say quietly and glance down. He had his legs slightly apart and my legs were slightly together. Our feet were touching, side by side.

"Jason?" I said, still looking down. "Yeah" he tilted my chin back up gently and gave me a small smile, before he drops his hand back to my waist. "I just want you to know, I'll always be here. No matter what happens. I love you." With that he leans down and softly presses his lips against mine. My eyes closing. I feel his hand press against my cheek as I stare, watching the fireworks explode. In my eyes and in my stomach.

We softly pulled away, I still had my eyes closed when I pressed my forehead softly against his. "Awwwhhhh" My eyes snapped open and me and Jason smirked.

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