Chapter Eleven

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"Meow?" I hear a cat and I furrow my eyebrows, looking around. I look down and spot a scruffy black cat, sitting at my feet. "Spooky!!!" I squeal and pick her up. I had to get rid of her when I moved in with Jessie, because he was allergic to cats. He said he dropped her off at a shelter... Guess not. I feel anger seep through me as I pick Spooky up. He lied to me about everything. EVERYTHING. I stand with Spooky in my arms and walk towards the street, hailing a cab. I tell him Jessie's address and I wait silently, while we drive to his apartment.

Jason's POV
I watch as Mia snorts cocaine. I shudder, I never do it, I've only done it twice and one was tonight. But I'll never do it again. Ever. I look around the big room, Mia sitting with some of her buddies. Why did we even leave the party? I lift up and patron bottle and take a straight shot of vodka. I hear Mia giggling and laughing, but before she can take another hit, I scope her up and carry her outside. "Why do we have to leave?" She whines while I place her in the car. "Because I don't like this place. And I told you earlier that I'm never doing coke again so don't bring up the fact that it was the only way 'we' could get some. Now it's just you."

I grit my teeth and she looks over at me as I walk around the car to the other side. I hop in and start the car, her glaring at me for about five minutes before she opened her mouth. "If you won't let me do what I want, then I want out of this relationship." I look over at her and raise my eyebrows. Ok, fine. I pull over in front of a gas station and stop. "Get out." I mutter quietly and she narrows her eyes at me. "What did you say?" I lean over her and open the passenger side door. "Get. Out." I hiss through gritted teeth. She clenches her jaw and gets out, slamming the door rather harder than need be. I run a hand over my face before I put the car in drive and start to drive down the road, towards my house. I take a swing of patron and stare straight ahead, not even caring that a relationship that lasted about a year on and off just ended.

Sophie's POV
*an hour later*
I go to the only place I know that won't kick me out. I sigh and carry my bags and spooky towards the door, letting spooky down, since she already knew the territory. I walk up too the door and hesitate. Will he let me? I just have to pray the other ones here. I knock loudly and hear footsteps and I feel my heart stop when I hear him say "I'm coming."

I start fidgeting with my hands and I look down, studying the very interesting piece of grass on my shoe. I hear the start to open and I glance up. "Listen Mia, you gotta-" he cuts himself off as he sees its me. He looks down at my bags and then back up at me. I bite my lip and start to stutter. He had his hair up in a ponytail on top of his head, the way I think it makes him look like Flame Princess. He was shirtless, only in a pair of basket ball shorts. "Hey Jason... I-Iwaswonderingificouldstayhere?" I say quickly, hoping he caught it. He nods, holding the door open wider as Spooky dashes in, jumping onto the couch. Me and Jason smile and I carry my bags in, along with at least three acoustic cases. "Wow! What's with all the guitars?" Jason laughs out as I set my bags next to the couch. I can tell he's trying to avoid the obvious question. "They're really important to me. Their the ones CC gave to me." I smile down at them and carefully on the couch. "So what happened with the fiancé?" Jason sits next to me, placing his hand on mine. I pull my hand away, pretending to brush my hair behind my ear. "Well... He cheated on me for the second time. I don't give third chances." I see Jason stiffen next to me. "You can stay here as long as you need." He smiles and pats my knee, before getting up and going into the kitchen. I hear him put the kettle on before he popped his head into the living room. "Tea?" I smile and nod, pulling my feet up to my chest. I will not cry. I will not cry. I repeat it in my head, attempting to forget Jessie. I close my eyes and breath slowly. "Meow." I look down and see Shadow trying to get in my lap. "I missed you girl." I pick up Shadow and place her in my lap, she immediately rubbing all over me. I laugh and rub her. I hear the kettle start to boil and a lot of clanking. "Jason?" I call. He pops back into the living room with two mugs, one with green tea and one with earl grey. He hands me the warm green tea and I take a sip. I smile and close my eyes, engulfed in comfort. Now this is home. I look over at Jason and see him staring at me. I turn towards him and cross my legs, he does the same. "So, how's life been?" I question and his smile goes down slightly. "Eh. Like shit." I give him a sympathetic smile and brush a piece of loose hair behind his ear. He smiles and I start with the questions. "What about.." I take a big breath with my eyes closed, trying not to get upset. Then I smile and complete my sentence. "Mia?" It hurts to say her name but I don't flinch. Thank the lord. "Well... I dumped her tonight." I smile a little brighter but quickly replace it with a sympathetic smile and hug him. "I'm sorry, Jason." He nods and looks down at his tea. "What happened?" I ask, as I pull away from the hug. "Well. I told her I was done. Done with the fights, done with drugs." My mouth drops open and I quickly close it. "You mean... You do drugs." Jason averts his eyes and I close mine. "Twice. Coke." I snap my eyes open and stare at him. "Jay... Why?" He raises his eyes too meet mine. "I guess... I wanted to belong, ya know? Always having to go get her drugs and not doing any. I guess I wanted to see what it felt like. I actually had my second shot tonight." He mumbled the last part and I pulled his chin up, making him look at me. "You don't need that stuff Jason. That is not a healthy relationship, you should know that." I release my grip on his chin and I hug him tightly. "I don't want you to do that Jason. Not ever again." My voice cracks in the middle. "Your too smart to do that." I pull away and give him a weak smile. I start to drop my hand but he catches it in mid air and I bite my lip. He slowly turned over my hand and pushed up the bracelets, sighing when he saw large angry marks across my wrist. "Did your fiancé know?" I shake my head, sighing. "I loved Jessie, but it was more of a best friend love. Yeah, it hurt a lot when he cheated cause I thought he actually loved me but I think it was more of a convenient marriage. I mean hell, I only knew he for a year. Tonight made me realize that." I bite my lip and trace the lines across my wrist. "Why'd you stop when you were with me?" He says quietly and I tear my eyes away from my wrist to look up at him. "You made me feel safe." I whisper. He takes my wrist and rubs his thumb over it. "I even tried to overdose and take my life away." I whisper and he looks up from my wrist and into my eyes, which were starting to have saltwater stream from them. "Soph." I cut him off, scrolling through my phone. "I was gonna send you a message. So I'll send it now." I press the send button and I hear his phone beep. He pulls it out and as he starts to read it, I read it out loud. "I love you with my body, heart, and soul to death." Jason bit his lip and he leaned over, I close my eyes, trying to stop the tears. "I've loved you since the beginning of earth. Your the most beautiful girl in the world and the most important day in my life is the only thing that matters. The day I met you." He whispers and I feel his lips latch onto mine. I lean into it then pull away, staring into his icey eyes. "Do you mean it?" I whisper, putting my forehead against his, closing my eyes. "Definitely." He whispers back and goes to kiss me again, but I pull away. "I can't forgive you that easy Jason. I really don't want to be in a relationship right now." I brush a piece of hair behind my ear.

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