Chapter Four

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I walk onto the tour bus, amazed by how big it was. "How many beds are on this thing?" I asked Andy when he stepped on the bus. "Eight. You, Jason, and Patty will share the room in the back." Wait. Did he say room? I rushed to the back of the bus and dropped my bags in surprise. There really was a room. One bed on each side of the small room.

I opened a door and discovered a closet. I threw my bags in the closet, carefully setting Athena's cage up and letting spooky out of her carrier. Spooky jumped on the bed closest to me and I sighed. "Guess that's mine then." I flopped down on the bed and threw the blankets over me, cuddling spooky close to me. I was still tired, surprisingly, so I closed my eyes and drifted off. A few minutes later I heard Patty stumble in and start snoring loudly. I just groaned and dozed back off.

Jason's POV

"Excuse me?!!" I cough up my water as the guys burst out laughing. "Well, I was just stated the rules just in case." Andy choked out between laughter. "We haven't even done. THAT. Yet." Everyone's eyes went wide. "You haven't had sex yet?" Ashley asks. "Are you guys virgins." Jinxx inquires. The only people that knew about her getting raped was Andy and me.

That's it. "Well no, but-" Andy cut me off. "Anyway, those rules were for YOU, Ashley. You seem to forget, to not sleep with a girl while other people are on the bus." All the guys laughed and I got up to check on Sophie. I crack open the door and peek in, immediately hearing the soft snores of Patty. I walk in the dark room and close the door softly behind me. I shiver at the temperature.

Sophie always loved the cold, as well as Patty. I don't see their love for it, but hey. As long as no ones complaining, I'm fine. I walk over to the bed opposite of the one with a person snoring on it. I see a dark shadow pop up and jump off the bed. Spooky. I crawl up the cold covers and lay on top of them, snuggling into Sophie.

"Mhmm" she smiles and turns, pushing her back into my stomach. I drape my arm over her and carefully get under the covers. I fall into a deep sleep, snuggling next to the love of my life.

(A/n Omf this has to be the shortest, shit chapter I have ever written. I am deeply sorry guys. It was mainly just a filer. FUCK OFF WRITERS BLOCK. Omfg. Anyone wanna give me ideas? I just don't know what... I wanna do something different but I just don't know what. Well I'll figure out something. And omfg, I'm gonna have to add Karim and Damon to this story. The timings already fucked up. (Warped is in the summer, Jason's birthdays in sep.) but oh well. You guys will live with my terrible mistakes. Btw I'm so happy that I haven't gotten any hate comments. (People that have said they hated me in the past have apologized) I think it's because everyone enjoys Jason. That must be it. Plus, mainly everyone that watches Jason, turns mellow and all the fans love one another. You guys know I love you. I'm just happy that the VeeOneEye fandom is a happy, non-hateful fandom. And we welcome outsiders ^.^ but not the haters -.- haters go away. We no like you. But anyway, it's 11:48 and I have school in the morning and I have to do laundry -.- ugh. Goodnite.

Dedication~ To my best friend, the one that's beautiful and doesn't have to cut her beautiful arms, legs, and stomach. If your reading this love, please stop.

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