Chapter Fourteen

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"Staph!" I yell as Jason starts to tickle me. He decided to wake me up with tickles, which wasn't exactly the smartest thing to do. I swat him away and turn over in his bed, pulling my knees up to my chest. I felt the blanket ripped off me, so I just pull my knees up closer. I heard a snap like someone took a picture and my eyes fluttered open to see Jason next to me, Phone in my face. "Whatever" I mutter and turn the other way, cracking an eye open to check the clock. "It's six o'clock in the morning Jason, come sleep." I patted the spot next to me and turned back over. "But I can't sleep." Jason whined and I felt the bed sink, as he sat next to me.

I felt his hand run over my head, running his finger down my scalp. "You roots are growing out." He muttered, still playing with my hair. "Yeah, I was thinking about letting it grow out. I miss my natural hair color." I sighed, letting my eyes open. I obviously wasn't going to be sleeping while Jason was awake. I turned and snuggled my face into his chest. "I miss this." He sighed contently into my hair. "Me too." I whispered, sitting up carefully. "What do you wanna do today?" He asked.

I was about to open my mouth when my phone started to ring. I reached across Jason and grabbed it. I read the caller ID in confusion. "New Jersey Police Department?" I muttered and picked it up. "Hello?" I asked. "Is this Sophia Finetta?" A deep voice asked from the other end. "Yes. It is." I got up and Jason shot me a confused look. "Is your mother Tina Finetta?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Yes." I replied. "We're sorry to inform you, but your mother was in a serious car accident, and we need you to come identify the body." My breath stops in my throat and I choke a little. "Wha... What?!?" I scream. "I'm sorry mam, please come to San Frank's morgue to identify the body. Have a nice day." I drop my phone and sink to the floor. "Sophie?" Jason gets up off his bed and walks over to me.

He sits next to me and wraps me in his arms. "My mom... She's dead." I stare at the wall. "Hey, but at least she's happy!" I laugh out. Jason furrows his eyebrows at me as I continue to laugh uncontrollably. "Sophie, why are you laughing." He grabs my shoulders and stares at me. I just giggle, covering my hands with my mouth. "Sophie!" I bite my lip, forcing myself to smile. "What?" I giggle. "Stop it." I bite back tears. "But... If I don't laugh, I'll cry." I giggle out. "Sophie..." Jason shakes his head and wraps me in a hug, as my laughs turn into loud sobs, slowly getting quieter and quieter. "When do you have to identify the body." I swallow my sob and looked up at him. "Whenever." I stand up and wipe the blood that formed on my lip from me biting it so hard.

"I just wanna get this over with." I say I walk out of his room and towards mine, so I could get dressed. Jason followed me and say on the bed as he watched me shuffle through my closet. I threw a black v-neck and some white skinnies on the bed, along with some rainbow socks. I hurried out of my closet and undressed quickly, slipping my skinnies on and my v-neck over my head. "I'm gonna head down there, ok?" Jason gets up and gives me a hug. "You want company?" He asks through my hair. "No, I'll be fine." I look up and give him a small smile. He sits back down on my bed and sighs. "Hey, don't be so needy, I'll be back." I kiss his forehead and he gives me a smile. "Plan something fun for the day, something to cheer me up." I slip on my shoes and grab my car keys. "Bye." I kiss his nose. "Bye, love." He kisses my forehead and I rush out of my room and slip my shoes on, running out the door.

Jason's POV
"What do I do?!?" I asked Andy, while pacing my living room. "What do I do for a depressed girl that just lost her mom." I heard Andy sigh. "Well, take her to the park. And don't let her cut you off from her. That's the worst thing, and when she says 'I'm ok.' That means she wants you to hold her." I heave a deep breath and smile. "Ok, so thanks. Bye" I heard Andy chuckle. "No problem, bye."

I clicked end on my phone and sat on the couch. I then decided to call up the only real 'girlfriend' I knew Sophie had. I dialed the number, waiting for her to pick up. "Hello?" I heard someone laugh out. "Gem? It's me, Jason." I heard her shush someone. "Oh hey! How's Sophie? I won't be back in LA till next summer. I'm in New York interning with one of the best fashion designers in North America." I smile at my luck and pick at my fingertips. "She's not so good. We're at the Jersey house, but she just got news that her mom died." I heard Gem gasp. "Oh my goodness. How's she taking it?" I sighed.

"Not so well, I'm taking her to the park then the mall, and I was wondering if you could meet us at the mall. I was gonna ask if you could fly out, but it looks like you're already pretty close." I heard some shuffling. "Of course, what time?" I thought for a second. "Three-thirty sound good?" I got up and walked in my room. "Sounds fine, what mall?" I flopped on my bed. "Seawater Crest mall, on the west side of Jersey." More shuffling. "See you then, bye." I hear her hang up. Rude. "Well bye then." I chuckle and throw my phone onto my bed. I glance at my side-table clock. 9-o'clock already? How long does it take to identify a body? I sigh and start to get ready.

Sophie's POV
I sat in the lawyers office, watching him shuffle through his files, trying to locate my moms will. I glance at my phone quickly to check the time. Shit, it was already nine-thirty. "Excuse me, but do you mind if I make a phone call while you locate the will?" He just nodded and continued to shuffle through his paperwork. I got up out of the black office chair and walked into the hallway, closing the door behind me.

I dialed Jason's number, tapping my foot while it ringed. "Hey Sophie. What's up?" He asked. "I'm fine, thanks. I'm sorry, but I'm gonna be a little late getting home. I'm at the lawyers office trying to get some paperwork settled. I'll be home soon, I promise." I heard him sigh. "Ok, I love you. Bye" I smile. "I love you to, bye." I press the end button and walk back into the office. "Ok, I found everything. In her will, it says that your sister is to see to her cremation, and that you get to keep her car, and your sister gets the rest.

Would you leave her number here." Of course she left everything to Gena. But then again, I told her I didn't want anything. Why would she leave me her car? I rub my forehead angrily and nod, scribbling down my sister number and I walked out of the office. I pulled out my phone and dialed Jason's number again. "Hey, I know I just called but it was shorter than I expected. I just have to pick up her car. Can you be ready to go when I get home? Then we can do something fun, I pinky swear." I hear Jason mumble. "Yeah, ok. Love you and see you soon. Bye." I smile a little. "Bye." I walk out of the building and towards the car, not paying attention to the road, because, well, the I do have the right away.

I hear a screech and I look up, to find a car coming right at me. I jump out of the way just in time for the car to stop right where I was standing. "Hey, do you not see my feet moving you idiot?!?" I yell at the car as it starts it inch away. I hear muffled yelling as I flip them the bird and walk a few more steps to my car. I climb in and take a deep breath, resting my head against the steering wheel. I lift my head up slightly. You got this Sophie, moms in a better place and she even told you she didn't want to be here anymore. It's fine, she's happy. I pull a smile onto my face and put the car in drive. At least I have Jason to cheer me up, right?

"Well, that was fun." I roll my eyes as me and Jason walk into the house, returning from picking up 'my' car. "I sit on the couch and smile at Jason who hasn't sat down yet. "Jason, has anyone ever told you, that you look like a Furbie?" I ask out of no where. "Now that's a new one." He walks over to me and smiles lightly.

He sits next to me and takes my hands. "I've got some plans for today if your up for it." I glance at the clock. "Sure, it's only 12 o'clock. What did you have in mind?" He smiles and takes my hand, dragging me out of the house.

(A/n Sup lovely's? Ugh. Why can't people be nice and shit? I'm seriously tired of my school, stupid fucks. Then I try to 'bond' with my dad and he starts yelling. Really Raymond, really? I'm sorry, I'm bitching. Fyi I tend to curse when I'm mad. But I hope this brightens your day even if this chapter is a little morbid. Smile bright, and be happy. Something I do is write smile on the side of my thumb, or on the side panel of my shoe, and I glance at it during class, and it makes me feel a little better. I want to start something called the smile project, and I'm gonna get over a hundred people to write it on their hand or shoe, then I'm going to take a picture. And... I don't know. Maybe it'll go viral or not. I just wanna make people happy. I was thinking of doing it for national suicide awareness month, thoughts? (Bbtw I don't own any of theses pics, they belong to their rightful owner) Anyway, love you guys, your amazing and great. Alrightly, bye you amazing people. ?:^• )

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