Prepare To Be Dazzled. (7th Chapter)

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… At Night …


Melody's POV:


“I believe that my work here is done. Take a look, and tell me what you think.” Estelle, my talented makeup artist/hair dresser, sighs after a two-hour preparation session. I have called her earlier to make sure she takes care of my presentation for the party. As soon as she turns the rotating chair I am positioned on, I glance at the mirror and admire her work. She really knows her job, and I wouldn’t change a thing of what she applied for both my hair and makeup.

I showed her the dress I chose for tonight, and she made sure to match my makeup and hairstyle to it. “What can I say? You are a genius Estelle. “ She smiles proudly, and leaves my room so I could change. After all, the party began an hour ago. I am late on purpose though, because I like to make my appearance after everyone shows; its something I always tend to do. I slide on my dress and associate my accessories perfectly, before taking off from my enormous bedroom.

The large reception hall is filled with people, and so is the garden area. It amazes me how everyone is in white, but I’m sure my wardrobe will stand out. I glide down the stairs and admire how packed my house is. Men with cigars in their hand, and women that are laughing in groups.

I am used to this kind of elite receptions, but trust me it gets boring. I rarely see someone of my age, but still I must make my dad proud in mingling in with his friends. Everyone stares at me while I clonk my Athenian heels, scanning the crowd to locate my father.

“Well, well! Look who decided to show up.” My dad jokes as I hug his side, and stand parallel to his shoulder. “Mellie, you know Roger and Catharine.” He nods to the married couple in front of us, and I shake their hand in a sophisticated greet. 

“Child, you look ravishing this evening.” Catharine compliments me, and I smile at her elegant gesture.“Thank you, so do you really.” She nods in appreciation and I stand there like a mannequin, unknowing what must I say.

“Philip is outside, I’m sure he’ll be swelled to see you, diamond.” My dad nudges my shoulder, and I giggle a little from his words. He seems to understand how boring this is for me, even without me mentioning it. Philip is Roger and Catharine’s son, and we are practically close.

Not because of any reason, just because we see each other a lot in such parties. It is like we both know that these receptions are not of our age orientation; that’s why we hang out together mostly. “Excuse me, I’ll go find Philip. It was lovely to see you both. I hope you’ll enjoy the reception.” The married couple admires my words, while I walk to the garden area.


Harry’s POV:


Ihave never seen such posh people before. How are they able to afford these clothes, these cars! Albert taught me how must I greet the guests, and trust me this waiter outfit I am in is so uncomfortable. I never wore a suit in my entire life, but heck it’s a part of my job for tonight. “Al, I think I’ll go grab a glass of water. Do you want one, mate?” The humble middle-aged man smiles, and shakes his head as he proceeds in welcoming the guests.

“Hurry up back here, sonny.” I nod and walk to the buffet area. As I walk across the packed field of the elite crowd, I bump into a guy. I haven’t noticed that his whine glass spilled over his expensive jacket. 

Thank you so much you prick! Now, look what you’ve done to my Armani blazer!” He is infuriated, and so am I from his words. If only a miracle would stop me from causing a bigger scene right now. I can’t hold my temper longer than this.

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