Wittle Hawy. (21st Chapter)

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…. At the Tennis Field (An Hour Later)…


Melody's POV:


I swing my racket, and slam the ball to Philip’s side of the net. He rushes to slam the ball back, but he fails. I jump in a childish victory, while he breathes out a laugh. “You’re getting better at this, Cramer.” I giggle and call back: “And you’re losing your touch, Jameson!” He laughs harder, and he grabs a new tennis ball. 

“Another round?” He asks and I shake my head. “I think it’s enough, for today. How about Perrier water and air condition for a change?” He laughs at my cheesy humor, and nods his head. As we walk back to the inside, I spot Harry talking on his phone, from a far distance. I smile at his wardrobe; I just love seeing him in beach shorts and Vans flats.

“Albert, please serve Philip some Perrier, and increase the AC meter.” The butler nods while I stare at Philip. He sits down, but I keep standing. “I will just go change and wash off the sweat. I won’t be long.” Philip nods with a smile, and I climb the stairs in a hurry. While I’m having my body shower, I wonder why hasn’t Harry replied to my message.

He was talking on the phone, I’m sure he saw it, right? He wouldn’t ignore it for any reason. Ugh, whatever its not like I won’t see him anymore. I hop out of the shower and speed up in my changing and makeup (http://www.polyvore.com/minty_fresh/set?id=113413324&lid=3328693).

Once I am done, I climb downstairs to see Harry fuming with silent anger, while Philip is facing him with the same amount of annoyance. Oh god, not this again. “What’s he doing here?” Philip asks me, and Harry rolls his eyes. “Harry? Do you need anything?” I ask him, but he doesn’t seem to understand that I don’t want Philip to know about us. Us? There is no us, right? Ugh this is so confusing. 

“Actually, I came here to tell you that you dropped your ring outside. (He walks closer to me, and whispers in my ear) Get rid of him, I mean it.”I am a little scared of what could Harry do to Philip, because I know how insane he could become in no time. “Philip, I need to be somewhere. I need to take Harry out, so we can purchase some pool equipment.” I can clearly see the smile on Harry’s face, but I focus my sight on Philip.

“He’s your pool boy, isn’t he Mel?” Harry barks back at Philip. “Don’t go there, mate. I’m sure you’d like to keep that face of yours in its place.” I walk over to Philip, and hug him goodbye, and I swear it that I heard Harry’s groan. 

“I promise that we will do something later in the week. I’ll call you Phil, alright?” He nods weakly, as he walks over to his car. Once I close the door, Harry twirls me around in force. “Why on earth was he here?! Why did you even let him call you ‘Mel’ ?! Why did you even hug him!? Do you fancy this twat?!” I am speechless, but from the inside I m jumping in happiness.

“(I smirk, and sing my reply) Oh, Wittle Hawy is jealous, isn’t he?” He shakes his head, and he begins to walk out of the interior of the house. “I’ll be here when you decide to admit it.” He pauses, and turns around to look at me. He doesn’t say a word, and he walks outside.

I literally jump as I feel happiness taking over. He’s jealous! I knew he would, and him not being able to shoot back a comment; is even a bigger proof. My phone buzzes in my palm and I stare at the received text:


From: Harry

Sent At: 12:22 pm

“I just saw your text. Could you come to the guesthouse?”

… End of Text…

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