Get Out. (33rd Chapter)

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Harry’s POV:


Lie, this is a big lie. This can’t be true! She can’t be in love with Philip! She isn’t getting engaged to that prick, not now not ever! But what if she isn’t? What if I have been played all this time? How could she do this to me? All the feelings that were, turn out to be a big lie? “(She whispers in sorrow, yet a demanding tone is clear) Get out.”

 I want to punch a freaking wall; I want to crack someone’s living skull open to release all of my anger. Even though she poached my beating heart with her inhumane confession, I still can’t hurt her. My heart was play dough in her hand, and she moulded it as she pleased. I march out of the door, caring less if her father sees me in here or not. I don’t want to look at her anymore; I was brainless for even thinking once that she might be with someone like me.

As I walk down the stairs, my vision turns red. All I want right now is a gun. I want to shoot my heart, making the bullet penetrate my skin to the outside. Its useless, everything is useless. All of these nights and days that I spent thinking about her, are burning my memory of pink and red hearts. “Styles, could I have a moment please?”

 Albert asks, once he notices my broken expression. I nod slowly, and he follows me to the guesthouse. The guesthouse… where we once sat together, where we shared our endless passion for each other… all gone. The old man rests on the couch, while I slump beside him lifelessly.“I need you to hear me out till the end.” I nod, but my mind isn’t with me; nothing is to be honest.

“I know it isn’t any of my business, but I don’t want Miss Melody to be tortured. I overheard your conversation in the room. (I groan in anger, and the butler proceeds) Let me assure you that all what she said isn’t true. I know the entire truth, but I want you to promise me that you won’t over react.” My mind flies back to my skull, my heart begins to beat faster; the truth? “Please tell me.” I literally beg the old man, and his eyes soften at me. I sit closer to him, while he tells me everything from A to Z.

… An Hour Later (Midnight)…

I can’t decide whether I am relieved, or insanely mad. I won’t let her get forcefully engaged, not for any reason possible. Albert seemed to have overheard the conversation between Melody and her father, which made him worry about my…Ugh I can’t even figure out what she is to me till now. Do I love her? 

“You foolish twat, of course you do!” My mind scowls at me, and I nod to myself. Yes I love her, why on earth wouldn’t I? From the moment I saw her, everything changed, I knew I had to get her no matter what it takes. She stole my heart, and called me a thief for stealing hers.

I don’t doubt that she loves me, but I really want us to exchange the feeling with each other. “Focus on the plan, brainy.”My mind mocks me, as I regain my focus. I instantly pick up my phone, and text his number:


To: Liam

Sent at: 12:05 am

“Meet me at the mansion, it’s urgent. Call Niall and Louis to come as well.”

… End Of Text…

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