Chapter 1

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It was a rainy morning. Actually it was barely even dawn. The birds has just started to sing. It must've been a wonderful sound to be behold, but it was ruined by the bloody alarm. Alex would've ignored it. She would've happily gone back to sleep. But that infernal beeping just wouldn't fucking stop. So with an annoyed grunt she slammed her fist down on the clock. There was peace once more. With a happy sigh she started to full asleep. Then it went off again.


Making an even more annoyed noise, Alex begrudgingly pulled her reluctant body out of the warm covers of her bed. Shivering as a coldness swept over her. And she made sure to turn off the alarm for certain this time. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she slowly shuffled her feet across the floor,

"Why the hell did I get that stupid alarm,"

Alex made her way out of her bedroom and towards the bathroom where she had a really relaxing shower, so much so she where she almost fell asleep again. Saving herself, well sort of, she did bang her head.

Moving on from the bathroom, Alex proceeded to change into her black skinny jeans, a simple grey vest and her combat shoes. Quickly dried the blonde stands of hair that made up her head before walking over to the mirror. She looked decent enough. But something was missing from this outfit. Ah! Walking over to her wardrobe, Alex proceeded to pull out the hanger that had her favourite jumper. It was black in colour with the zodiac bull on the front, the word 'Taurus' spelled out below the image. Recently given to her as a 18th birthday present after a friend found out how much Alex loved the zodiacs, and the common traits she shared with the bull.

Smiling to Herself, Alex rushed to put it on as she made her way down the stairs of her house, skipping into the kitchen as she prepared breakfast for herself and her cat, Jazz a black and white stray she adopted. One who was very fussy about the music Alex played around the house. And seemingly inpatient for Alex to give him the cat food. Bumping his head into her body. He must've thought it would make her quicker, but in reality, he was just made himself a tripping hazard.

"Okay okay calm down mate, I just got woke up you know. Show some sympathy, you get to go back to sleep after this."

Having finally been able to finish pouring out his food, and her own cereal, Alex stood by the counter of her kitchen, silently thinking to herself. It may sound silly, but to Alex breakfast meant everything to her. It's the only meal that mattered. And no Alex was no skinny bitch. But neither was she curvy. Her breast were small, but not unnoticeable, and her butt was neither flat or large. The girl was careful to keep up with exercise, but you wouldn't have known it if you didn't look her arms well enough to see muscle that was very much present.

Looking up to the clock from where Alex stood as she ate, she could see it said 7:45..... shit. Alex nearly chocked on her food. She only had 15 minutes to get to work. And the car had no fuel!

"Where'd all the time go!?"

Engulfing the rest of her breakfast and placing the bowl in the sink, she would clean it later, Alex began rushing around the house as she struggled to find her keys, her purse and...was there anything else? Oh yeah phone. Useless thing, but always good in an emergency, which really was just Alex getting lost. Something that happens a lot more then Alex would care to admit.

Shoving the three items into her jumper pocket, Alex proceeded to race out of the house, stopping halfway down the street when she realise she didn't lock the door.

"Oh you are joking!"

Racing back up the street and half tripping on the curve, Alex rushed over to the door and almost slamming herself into it as she locked it. Getting halfway down the path once more before her paranoia kicked in,

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