Chapter 12

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It was a beautiful island, Alex wouldn't deny that. She loved how quiet and empty it was, the lack of people pleasing her. And the gentle swaying of the waves as they approached the coastline was doing on calming the mental storm raging in her mind. For Alex was red. Very red. Probably the same shade as a strawberry. Muttering curses on Jazz as she watch him stand by Shockwave, having what almost looked like a general conversation with each other.

I doubt a con and bot have had a thing close to a casual chat in a looooong time. But if its means their not paying attention to me. Then by all means PLEASE continue.

"Hey l'lady!"

Damn it! What did I just say?

"Your gonna want to see this,"

Curiously Alex looked up from where she had been hiding her head between her knees, and her eyes widened when she saw Shockwave was projecting 3D images from his servo No. Not just cars, all different types of vehicles, from land to air to sea based.

Is he looking for a vehicle mode? So cool!

Alex almost jumped up from her sitting position with excitement as she made her way to stand by Jazz's side. Eager to see what he would choose.

"Doesn't he already have a vehicle mode?"

"Well yeah. Of course he does. But it sure to the pits ain't Earth based. So he's finding a new one."

Alex hummed in response as she joined Jazz in watching the rapidly changing images of vehicles. Her mind dancing around the same feeling of wonder and excitement. She knew that all the transformers in the films and most of the tv shows would have to scan a vehicle to change into it. The fact Shockwave was using his own invention, that was what Alex assumes he was using, and she could watch Shockwave actually being, well a scientist and not just the warrior he was shown to be in 'Dark side of the Moon'. Yep. Alex was close to going full fangirl mode.

But Shockwave's 40 ft tall. What the fuck kind of a vehicle is he going to choose?

(Major guessing here folks as there was no concrete proof of his height but the majority of the information that was useful said he was around this height. So....)

"Search complete."

Startled from her thoughts, Alex didn't get the chance to see the vehicle Shockwave had chosen before the hologram vanished and Shockwave began to transform. The sound of gears and shifting metal filled her ears. What did the pits kind of a vehicle did he find? And as he finished Alex had to do a double-take.

"......Bloody hell. Didn't see that one coming."

In the place where Shockwave had stood was now sitting a huge heavy duty tow truck. The black paint glittered in the sun and cast a shadow over Alex. He was just as terrifying as before. Yet Alex only felt excited.

"OMG! Shockwave you look so cool!"

With a single jump Alex then went running about as she found her backpack and grabbed Jazz Jr. Jogging happily towards the truck. Though just as Alex stepped towards the imposing con, she felt two of Jazz's claws pinch her shirt as he held her in place,

"Now hold on there l'lady. He may be your guardian n' all..." He gave the con a cold stare, "But I ain't about to put your life in his servos just yet."

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