Chapter 15

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Alex found herself flying through the the air. It was just like that scene when Sam and his group were sent through a groundbridge by Jetfire. The only difference. There was no soft sand for her to land on, and Alex hit the ground hard.

"Shit! Ow! Son of a bit- ow! Why won't- ow! Stop- OW!! Spinning!"

The force of her fall kept Alex in a consistent motion of movement as she tumbled down a hillside full of trees and into a ditch. A very deep. Very dark ditch.

With a loud thud Alex landed heavily on the ground. It was pure luck she landed on her side, giving the stones and rocks under her a chance to jab into her ribs. Most definitely leaving a bruise in their place.

With a sharp intact of breath Alex knew she'd cracked a rib. A childhood memory led her to recognise this pain. She wouldn't be getting out of that ditch any time soon. There was only one thing to do.

"Someone help me!!"

Alex knew her cybertronion travel companions properly didn't fall anywhere near her. I mean. It's wouldn't be that hard to miss, since it was like being in a mini earthquake when Jazz and Shockwave were fighting. So yeah. They weren't in the area. But with that superior hearing of theirs, and with her phone battery long dead, Alex had no way of contacting Jazz or Shockwave. Not that Shockwave gave her his com link.

Surely they'll find me......Right?

~2 hours later~

At this point Alex was far past panicking.

Oh my god. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. Their never going to find me. Oh my god. They won't find me. Why haven't they found me? Oh my god they've left me behind. They've forgotten about me. How could they forget me! Oh my god what going to happen to Jazz Jr? Will Jazz adopt him? Are the autobots going to except him? They better except him. Oh my god! Shockwave and Jazz might fight over him. Wait that makes no sense. Okay Alex. You need to breath. There's no need to panic. There's no need to pa-"

"Femme located"

"Ahhhhhhhh! Please don't kill me!"

"If I wanted to kill you, I would have done so already."

That voice. It sounds familiar.....

"It would be a waste of time otherwise to follow the directions of a foolish human."

"Shockwave! I'm so happy to see you and-Hey! Who are you calling foolish?!"

"Currently the human who gets hurt to easy."

Alex had never felt so happy and angry to see someone in her life. So she choose to do the grown up thing and move on.

"How did you find me?"

"A scan for organic life forms in the area. I then only needed to calibrate my scanner for your individual signature."

"Huh, that's cool. Why did you-"



Just at the edge of the ditch, Alex could see her cats head as he peered down at her, continuing to call out as he jumped of the edge and, far more gracefully then her, landing on the ground before being scooped up in Alex's arms.

"Oh my sweet little baby! You found me. Oh aren't you such a clever cat!"

"You praise the feline for finding you," Alex looked up as everything around her was invaded with a blood red hue, "when all it did was follow me."

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