Chapter 17

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~1 month, 2 weeks and 2 days later~ basically 2 days before the fight in Egypt

"Fuck this is stressful."

The events of transformers 2 had finally begun. It had been on the news. The disastrous mission in HongKong was over and done with. At this point Sam was nearly ready for college, but he would have a very hectic next few days.

Creating a safe base of operation at the castle had been chaotic. Obtaining supplies whilst staying undetected. Staying out of the other autobots radar. Avoiding any chance of the US military and U.K. government finding out about a second autobot base. It was hard. Jazz and Shockwave had separate but equally demanding requests for multiple reasons. Thank god Sir Edmund was able to deliver on most of their request. MOST being the keyword there. Half the things Shockwave asked for weren't even legal. The rocket fuel wasn't even the worst.

The base itself had been created from the cellar and cave system under the castle grounds. Between the humans and mechs, they created a plan that had made room for a medical bay, berth rooms and a 'parking' area if the bots wanted to recharge in their alt modes instead, a modest sparing and training room, the central hub and finally the weapons/lab room, Shockwave was very specific with the design aspects for this area. Alex couldn't figure out how, but the con even managed to create a barrier over the entire castle estate that literally made them invisible to anyone outside the barrier perimeter.

Though the construction work started and finished quickly thanks to Shockwave, when Alex asked how he managed to stabilise the base from caving in on its self, the bloody con just said, 'you do not need to concern yourself with that.'

Alex was very much concerned.

But after all she had to deal with. Alex had completed her first step in actually making a difference. The castle base for the autobots was nearly finished yet fully functional. Good timing too, as a couple bots soon joined their merry crew.

Blurr was the first bot Jazz and Hot Rod stumbled upon on one of their patrols. The blue speedster was wounded and confused after his escape pod had been damaged whilst in space and crash landed in the U.K. sea. Poor bugger was wondering around aimlessly till he popped up on Jazzs' radar and brought back to the base. Alex had never met someone who talked so quickly in her life, to the point you almost couldn't distinguish a single word that came out of his mouth. Not that she was one to talk The only time he talked slowly was when Shockwave entered the room. The bot all but died inside when he stared into the red optic of the infamous con.

Whilst she did feel empathy for the bot, Alex couldn't help but laugh when she witnessed his reaction. Though all considering, he adapted rather quickly to Shockwaves presence.

Then they stumbled upon someone Alex was very keen to meet. Prowl. The police bot himself. Similar to Blurr, the enforcer found himself crash landing on earth with a malfunctioning navigation system.

Funny how that seems to keep happening. Looking at you Primes. Looking at you.

Jazz was definitely the most pleased to know his longtime friend had survived the evacuation of Cybertron. It's was lucky Jazz and Prowl were friends. Took a whole month for Jazz to convince the mech Shockwave wasn't going to betray on them or use them in a crazy experiment.

When it came to them meeting her, Alex was strangely nervous. She knew that even amongst Primes team, not all the bots were the biggest fans of humans, not that she blamed them. But the girl had no clue on Prowl and Blurrs' opinion on the human race. They never made it into bayverse after all. Yet with much relief she found that Blurr was very curious and eager to talk with her, Alex had no idea what he was saying most the time so Shockwave often translated for her. Blurr even started to hang at with Jazz Jr, seeking out the cat to take on his bloody patrols. Prowl just treated her with respect and was as blunt with her as he was with the others. Hot Rod was the easy. He didn't mind Alex, he even said she was a dream compared to the human company he had dealt with in the last few decades.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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