Chapter 9

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Alex had continued to rant, though a lot more quietly, even after spending 3 hours traveling too the coastline closet to Malta, which would hopefully mean a shorter ferry trip at sea, the girl was still muttering curses to the Primes.

Jazz on the other hand was working his way through the NEST network, trying to find clues on how his fellow autobots were doing. And he wanted to know who this Galloway 'jackass' as Alex politely called him was. And from what he found....yeah.....this human was worse then Starscream and that's saying something folks!

"I warned you, you were better of not knowing about him,"

"Hmm, personally? I agree fully with you l'lady. As an lieutenant? It's better I know everything about the human I'll be having to work with when I return to the autobots."

"You don't know everything about me though,"

"True. But your not trying to use my friends or our technology for your own agenda,"

"Yeah, I suppose your right there. Plus I'm not a dickhead like that idiot."

The car shook as Jazz chuckled loudly, "Yep. You're too adorable,"

Oh primus.....did Jazz just call me adorable?! Oh god! I'm soooo happy!

Alex sat in her seat, squirming with excitement as one of her childhood goals was achieved. This was becoming a much better day then she previously thought. Okay. Fine, yes the scythe was just as awesome and exciting, but that is not the focus right now!

What got Alex more excited was the prospect she would soon be meeting all the autobots in person. And seeing what happens between each film events was even more intriguing.

Though it probable isn't as action filled....not that that should matter

Alex was suddenly pushed further into her seat as she felt Jazz speed up suddenly. Not even given time to voice her concerns before he went leaping from the bridge they were crossing onto a train shooting by underneath them.

Oh shit. This is just like in the movies..........which I'm kind of in....

She was brought out of her thoughts as she felt Jazz bounce for a moment as he made contact with the train. A part of his frame transforming so he could grip onto the train. And how he didn't bring any attention to himself will forever remain a mystery.

"Improvising a bit there Jazz?"

"Awe I just figured you'd wanna get to your guardian quickly l'lady. But. I suppose we could pop back on the road if you wanna take your time of course,"

Alex leaned forward from her seat instantly to stop Jazz. Not that she could or really needed too.

"No, no. This is just fine. It's great really! Just, please....don't go jumping of bridges or anything alright?"

"Nope. Can't make any promises l'lady."


~1 hour and 35 minutes later~

She may have questioned his way of getting them there. She was to busy enjoying the chance to watch the sun set over the sea horizon as they travelled on the road once more. A blend from orange to pink and then blue engulfing her vision. It made Alex envy both its simplicity and beauty.

I wonder what a sunset would be like on cybertron....

It had been awhile since Alex had last managed a trip to the seaside, much less a trip to a foreign beach. So she was left entranced by the beauty of the one Jazz was driving by. Watching people catch the last few waves of the day, and the odd couple walking their dog. Her personal favourite being the Dalmatian splashing about in the shallows, too young and energetic for its own good.

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