Chapter 6

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~2 hours later~   Still in Switzerland, an hour away from Italy and a further 7 hours from Florence

Falling through the sky. Meeting one of the thirteen primes. Meeting Jazz. And fighting a decepticon. It had turned out to be a far more exciting day. Ummmm. Well it was a DAY to Alex even if a year and a few months had gone by for everyone else. But either way, it had left Alex mentally and physically exhausted. So to no ones surprise, not long after an hour since Jazz started off again, she was starting to fall asleep. So it's a good thing Jazz had tinted windows. Because Alex couldn't give a care in the world about the concerns of other drivers. She was after all in the alt form of an alien robot after all.

"Yo sleepy head, want me to sing a lullaby?"

In her half sleeping state, Alex could only grunt in response.

"......I'll take that as a yes."

Next thing you know Jazz starts playing some, well....jazz. The Blues to be more precise. Alex couldn't help but laugh out loud.

You still have much to learn my dear mech

And with that last thought Alex finally succumbed to the realm of dreams. In this case. Dancing bunnies.

~ 3 hours later~

Alex was asleep for a loooooonng time. Entertained by her many dreams that had spun through out her mind. And as she started to stir, there was one that kept its place in her memory, but her focus was on the lyrics she could her in the back of her mind,

".....forget about your boyfriend and meet me at the hotel room," could be heard all around her, hmmm that's pitbulls that Jazz singing?

Her half-asleep mind had not yet fully processed her surroundings,

Huh, never would have tagged my little baby as a singer, must be the birds doing.....


Wait a minute.

Alex popped open a tired eye,

Cats don't talk....or sing.............ohhhhhh shit. Alex felt her heart miss beat I'm being robbed. No, it's a stalker. Or maybe some weird drunk guy. Or- Oh my primus it's a murderer!

It was a scary situation for Alex, but rather funny one for anyone watching her try to figure out how she would get out of this 'very scary' situation. She felt her heart increase as her stress levels began to raise up. So just as Alex was trying to focus herself, a voice she recognised but could not place spoke to her,

"Hey, good to see your finally awake, I apologise if the music woke you up,"

Finally awake? Has-has he been watching me sleep all this time!?

Alex did not answer. Hoping she could trick this creep into growing bored of her and leaving. That obviously didn't work. As Jazz (But she doesn't know that of course) had now turned down the volume of the radio, unsure of Alex's more-quiet -then-normal attitude,

"Are.....are you feeling alright l'lady?"

This guys either really polite or REALLY stupid

She took a risk and spoke up, screw her life!

"No I am not okay! There is a stranger in my house! And that stranger is YOU!"

"Wait. Your house? Stranger? It's me! Why are-oh....Alex I can explain! You-"

"I don't care if you have some good reason! Because whoever you are, you better stop singing and get out of my room, my house! NOW!!!"

"But I already stopped singing,"

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