Chapter 7

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Next day- 7:47 am - 3 hours from Florence
It was safe to say that after a good nights rest, in a decent bed, Alex could finally wake up knowing bayverse was her new reality. And the only singing this time was the birds on the neighbouring trees. But there was only one train of thought Alex had at that moment.

I'm hungry.

Pushing the covers of her body, Alex grumbled to herself as she stumbled around the room, not fully awake enough to have full control of her balance. She considered just getting dressed, but took in the the possibility she could spend a few days without decent hygiene, so while she could, she had a short but relaxing shower. Dried her self, brushed her hair, teeth. Grabbing her phone as she checked on the weather,

"Still summer temperatures...with....50% chance of rain....alright then. Cropped jeans, vest and jumper it is then."

Feeling proud she had prepared for all types of weather. Alex smugly put on the new black knee-length jeans, a black vest with the words 'I hate Mornings' on it's front, her combat boots and tied her jumper around her waist just as she was leaving the room she stayed in. Slinging her backpack over a shoulder as she made her way down the creaking staircase. Praying to primus that they wouldn't give out from underneath her. Missing the last two step as she jumped down, slightly proud she hadn't tripped.

"Ah Miss, you are..awake,"

Alex turned to face the person poking out from a half open door, sending the sweet, sweet sent of pancakes her way. Alex licked her lips in anticipation.

"Yes sir I am, and as hungry as can be. Do you know where I can find some breakfast?"

"Ce, this way." He began to lead Alex over to one of the few dining tables in the room, seating Alex at one staring outwards to the mountains, "My wife..very excited...make pancakes again, it's been..long time..since chance. You..don't mind?"

Alex couldn't help but smile, this man had an almost grandfather aura about him, "Not at all sir, I absolutely love pancakes,"

The elderly man nodded before he wondered off, probably taking care of the other guests they had. Leaving Alex to admire the view. Watching a few clouds float past the vibrant green mountains, and tiny specks of cars wonder in and out of view as they sped along the twisting mountain roads.

This place is so pretty, a bit too hot for my liking, but nice enough for a holiday I suppose,

Alex was interrupted from her thoughts when a plate of pancakes was placed in front of her, a glass of fresh orange juice right next to it. The men's wife stood at her side as she spoke in a little better English then her husband,

"Here you are dear, please..enjoy,"

"Thank you. This looks soo good."

The older woman chuckled, "That..good to hear." And wondered off just like her husband, leaving Alex to stuff the delicious pancakes into her awaiting mouth. The taste.....was heavenly. And so light!

Primus these are sooooo good

Alex finished her breakfast quickly, since she had no one to talk with. Heading over to where she assumed the kitchen was, thanking the older woman for the food before saying her goodbyes as she heading outside. In the direction of a silver Porsche sitting silently under some plum trees. Alex had to cover her mouth to stop herself from squealing,

Omg! He's asleep-no. Recharge if the fan fiction is right. But ohhhhhhh my primus!

As gently as she could, Alex tapped glass of Jazz's window-screen, feeling the frame jolt underneath her hand as Jazz awoke from slumber with a surprised grunt,

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