Chapter 3

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As fast as she could, Alex raced out of the store, not bothering to answer the clerks confused questions. She was to busy trying not to to speak. With Jazz scurrying after her, they speed walked across the street were Alex walked a bit into the forest, baring in mind to remember the path back.

Feeling satisfied she was far away enough, Alex took a deep breath.

So I'm in Transformers Bayverse....huh....



"OOOOOHHHHH MYYYYYYY GOOOOOOOD!!!!!" Alex jumped up and down as she twirled around in a circle. Jazz was mindful to keep a safe distance.

"I am in the Transformers Bayverse!" she claps the sides of her face "I'm in the same world as Optimus Prime, Ironhide, bumblebee and OMG Jazz!"........Alex froze in place,

Wait a minute

Alex grabbed her phone out of the backpack, turning the screen on,


It was 2007, exactly 2 months after the events of the first film....which meant....


Alex kneeled on the ground, not caring that her new jeans were going to get dirty. A tear actually fell from her eye,

"Jazz is already dead.....?"

But he's my favourite

"Damn you stupid mirror!"

Alex started to rant up to the sky. Why? She didn't know. Did it matter if people would think she was crazy? Hell no. This was more important.

"You sent me back to the wrong time!"

She then placed her hands on her hips, something only seen when she was going to lecture someone.

"I demand you take my back so I can sort all this shit out."

"And allow you to ruin the plans I have so carefully set in motion? Hardly."

A deep, echoing and very booming voice startled her, causing Alex to swerve in a circle as she tried to locate the voice. There was no one. Except,


The cat looked up from where he still sat,

"Was that you?"

The voice spoke once more, this time highly insulted by her words,

"You assume I am that small fleshy feline?"

Alex gulped, it was worth a guess,


The voice seemingly grunted in response, he, well she assumed it was male, was muttering in a strange language, cybertronian.

But that means...he' maybe

And before Alex could even put her thoughts into words, the world around her stated to swirl and blur.

"Aw, not again!"

Reaching out to Jazz, Alex held him close to her chest, just like before, as she was engulfed by darkness. The only difference. She was face to face with a very. Very. Very. Very tall cybertronian.

Ohhhhh god

His metal body was translucent blue, the brightest parts of him was the autobot symbol on his chest and his solid blue It was otherwise impossible to describe his features or body shape, it was so translucent Alex couldn't get a clear picture. It was almost as if he was a fading memory. Which considering the storyline behind the thirteen primes, which she was assuming he was, was not so far-fetched. To confirm her suspicions, Alex asked one of those stupid questions you often expect from Sam Witwicky.

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