Chapter 10

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~1 day later~

It shocked Alex to no end. She just couldn't figure it out. How could a autobot, even one the size of Jazz. Stay hidden. On a boat full of humans. Without being spotted. The whole day they were on that ferry. Seriously...How? Alex wasn't even questioned by the crew when she went for meals, or when she slept in one of the cabins. OR even about Jazz Jr, who refused to leave her side. It was all she could think about during their day on the ferry. And she was still thinking about it even when Jazz had left the ferry

"It just doesn't make sense..."

"And your still going on about it." Jazz responded again, "You need to learn how to relax l'lady"

And you don't think I've tried

Yet it would continue to bug her. The poor girl just had to let this mystery stay a mystery. Something that seemed to be happening to her a lot as of late. Alex was so stuck in thought, she couldn't even concentrate on the the view outside....not that there was anything major to catch her attention. The island wasn't flat, but it was no mountain range. It was another hot day, so Alex was dreading leaving the air conditioned inside of Jazz's vehicle mode. REALLY dreading it.

And unlike in Florence, Alex had no interest in wasting anymore of her time sightseeing or walking around aimlessly She was finding her guardian NOW.

However. When Jazz stopped by what was called the 'Blue Grotto' (picture above) Alex really didn't have a choice. But her mood did get a little worse.

"Why are we stopping Jazz?"

She felt her seatbelt come loose, and the drivers door open.

"Well l'lady I figured you needed a moment to relax. That stress ain't good for you humans."

Alex raised an eyebrow as she stepped on to the rocky ground, "Just humans?" Jazz Jr following her soon after.

Jazz laughed as he transformed, "Yeah, I s'pose your right. Cybertronions are just as bad."

"Oh? Do go on."

"Hmm, I'd s'pose Ratchet is generally the most stressed, the same with Ironhide, Prime. But I'd say Sunstreaker could get pretty stressed if his paint job was ruined."

"I think that was obvious. EVERYONE knows he's the most vain of all the autobots."

"Just us bots?"

"Well it depends.....Knockout from one version of Transformers was the definition of vain and self absorbed."

"Ha! Wouldn't wanna met him."

"Uhh, I don't know. He has a pretty big fan club."



"........You humans are a strange bunch."


The conversation died down into a calm silence. And Alex already felt her stress levels dropping. She took a deep breath. Closing her eyes as she took in the peacefulness of the area, the sound of the ocean. The waves crashing against the cliff face. The faint cries of seagulls. Even the the heavy thuds of Jazz's pedes were adding to the tranquility of the place. Her body lost all tension and her mind was able to calm down.

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