Chapter 13

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With every high comes a low. And Alex had reached the end of her sugar rush with a wonderful new desire to throw up. So while Jazz took the opportunity to tease her, Alex all but kept her head hidden in the palms of her hands, moaning to herself at her stupid choices.

"Why the fuck did I grab that bloody chocolate cake? Should have got the mango ice cream instead."

A chuckle came through on the radio, "And would that have made a difference?"

No but I'm not letting you know that.......I need to throw up

With a swift but clear warning, Alex swung the passenger door open. Ignoring the complains from both mechs as she pretty much spilled her guts.....okay a slight over dramatic way of putting it. BUT. Alex felt much better afterwards.

"That is revolting."

"Thank you for pointing out the obvious there Shocky."

"Human sarcasm I assume."

Alex shot the black truck a dark glare,

"Yes Shockwave. You're very much correct."

"As fun as it is watching you two," Alex turned her head to stare at the Jazz, his engines revving with slight impatience "We'd be best heading on l'lady,"

For the next 10 minutes of the trip, Alex was back to thinking about the consequences of of her actions.......Actually not really. She basically saved Shockwaves' life Don't jinx me! Which meant they know had a powerful player on their side. And if the transformer fans got their facts right, Shockwave was stronger then Megatron.

Sure, Alex had changed the future. But that didn't mean everything was going to be different. The humans would always be weary and envious of the cybertronions and their technology. The edition of Shockwave becoming a neutral, and essentially allying himself with the autobots was only going to make the government question the bots more then they already do. And the battle of Chicago? Even with Shockwave by their side, it was pretty much unavoidable. The human government would eventually turn against the autobots. And nearly all of them would be killed.

Good thing I've had years too think up this plan. Though, I did....only think this was all made up.....So no test runs! Yay! I'm going to get us all killed!

"Jazz can you stop please."

"Some'n wrong l'lady?"

"No Jazz. Everything should be fine. Could you drive us someplace you guys can transform?"

The confused bot silently complied as he turned off the main road, driving back into the islands empty countryside. A blur of clicks and static gave Alex hint that he and Shockwave were communicating. Probably decided if Alex was going to have another tantrum charming!

Minutes later Jazz came to a halt. Allowing Alex and Jazz Jr out before he started to transform, closely followed by Shockwave. When they finished both turned to face Alex, though Shockwave stayed standing whilst Jazz kneeled down closer to Alex.

"So tell me l'lady," pausing whilst Alex was fiddled with her backpack, "What was so important that we'll needed to stop and come all the way out here?"

Alex paused for a second as she pondered over her reasons.

I don't think Jazz can help me. But Shocky might be able t- actually that's a stupid thought. Of course Shockwave can make a groundbridge. Silly me.


The con in question seemingly acknowledged her as he turned away from a strange cybertronion formula of sorts that he was looking over. Giving Alex a nod as confirmation to continue,

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