Chapter 8

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My photo folks. It was sooo damn hot! 🥵

~Florence- 1:46 pm~

After nearly 3 hours of traveling, they finally made it to Florence. And it was beautiful. Alex couldn't help but marvel at the sites around her. She could even look up at the sky without skyscrapers or building blocks getting in the way, something that ruined her mood when she visited London. But Florence was a true wonder. It was filled with so much history.

Sadly, she alone was the only one who could enjoy it. As Jazz jr would have vanished from her side, whilst Jazz would draw all the attention to himself. Whether it had been in robot or vehicle form. So he was parked outside of the city, hidden within the trees' with Jazz jr while Alex was left to walk of on her own towards one of the cities many entrances, and had steadily made her way into the older part of the city.

Now I could definitely live here

Making her way through narrow streets and along the main tourist sites, Alex found that she had basically done a complete circle. Sighing in frustration as she went over to a cafe facing out towards one of the street shops, ordering a simple glass of lemon soda, thankful that she had got some euros out of a nearby cash machine. The girl sat in her spot mumbling to herself as she watched people who knew where they were going go by her.

"This is sooo hopeless. How am i meant to find a transformer in a place like this?"

And why do I have a feeling it's not my guardian we'll find here

Alex would have continued to ponder had her phone not began to burst out a Jazz song. Alex was surprised by the noise, but recovered quickly, pulling it out to see that someone was calling her, and she had a pretty good idea of who,

"On a normal occasion I would demand how you got my number, but considering it's you, I'll let it slide. So what do you need Jazz?"

"Awe, nothing much l'lady, just hoping you've found something,"

"Nope, I have found absolutely nothing, and I'm beginning to think the primes didn't send us here for my guardian,"

"Hmm, I see what your getting at, so you feel something then?"

"Well no. No I'm not feeling anything, though you could call it human instinct. How about you? Got anything on your side?"

"No, I'm reading no cybertronian life signals, dormant or otherwise."

"So your saying.....we came all this way for nothing."

If she could she him, Alex knew he would shaking his helm "Not completely l'lady. I am picking up something in the area, but I can't get a direct location, only a general area."

"That's better than nothing I guess." Alex raised from her seat as she headed back onto the streets, "Can you send the info to me?"

She heard a ping on her phone just as Jazz spoke, "Already did it l'lady,"

Looking down at the screen Alex found it pretty quickly, and it...was awesome. It was almost like being on google maps, but in 3D and the buildings were a simple black colour with fuzzy glowing lines outlining the details of well...everything.

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