Chapter 5

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Okay......I forgot to include a real important detail......what Alex looks like......opps 😅
So let's run through what I've told you and what you would probably like to know:

Name- Alexandra Rose
Age- 19
Birthday-May 1st 2000 - considering Alex also technically goes back in time, this will definitely confuse a whole bunch of people and bots
Height- 5ft 4
Personality-food orientated, kind, fiery-tempered and stubborn are her main traits
Physical appearance-slim to chubby with slight muscle, so she's beefy, or is it bulky? 🤔
                                          -Now Alex is no super model, but she is still pretty and adorable as can be (she doesn't need to be drop-dead gorgeous to get the bots attention😉)
-Blonde with natural highlights
                                          -Grey blue eyes

Oh! And what might have been a second for you was weeks between this chapter and the previous, so I know which bot I'm making Alex's guardian. But the question is, do you know? 😏😉

Okay. I think that's pretty much it.....see ya!
As much as she was excited to be riding in not only a transformer, but also her favourite transformer, Alex was bored. As bored as can be. She had tried to find ways to entertain herself, the music was still playing in the background of her thoughts, wondering what kind of conversation she could bring up with Jazz, who by the way was , but it's not like she could ask much questions to Jazz, considering she knew nearly everything about them, including the ways she would prove she was from another dimension. But that's a conversation for another time.

This isn't what I expected

With a heavy sigh Alex turned her attention to the blurry scenery they passed, unable to admire anything for long before Jazz speeded out of the area, honestly, it was a pure miracle they had travelled 3 hours already without being stopped, not even once!

"You bored of me already l'lady?"

Jazz's voice rung out in a half joking manner. It's hard to ignore his passengers change in behaviour, especially when 1- he could detect their emotion on a higher level and 2- Jazz Jr was trying to claw his way outside everytime he spotted a bird. It. Was. Annoying. And left unwanted claw marks all over Jazz's interior!

"Noooooo...........okay, maybe just a little bit."

"Well why don't you go on your- what's it called again.....oh yeah! Phone. Why not go on your phone, I've seen plenty of humans constantly staring at those things since I've been here,"

Alex waved a hand dismissively at wherever she thought his optics would be, "Yeah well, one. I don't have a good enough signal and two, I don't use social media so it would be a waste of phone battery really."

...........he didn't respond

"Jazz?" Hearing no response Alex edge closer to the window, but she didn't get the chance to look around before she was surrounded by shifting metal as Jazz transformed all around her, finally ending up on his servo with Jazz Jr by her side.

"Jazz what is go- ohhhh primus!" Unable to finish her question as Jazz rushed to get her close to the ground, urging them off with his other servo, to which he had Alex's backpack before dropping it in her grasp,

"You need to run Alex. NOW."

Slightly worried by his change in attitude, Alex left with a simple nod of acknowledgement as she started in the opposite direction. Not soon after she heard the squealing of rubber against tarmac followed swiftly by the familiar sound of shifting gears. Her heart beat increasing when she realised what is was. Looking back Alex didn't really need to see the symbol to know who Jazz was fighting. It was a decepticon.

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