Chapter 11

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Alex raced down from the hill she previously stood upon. Fear urging her towards. Not away. Towards the fight going on before her. Ha! That's a new one.

The sun still shined through the raised dust and smoke that had risen high into the air. Small stretches of fire surrounded the area, whilst the rest of the ground was scorched or still burning. Only a few humans could be heard screaming in the distance, too far to see the battle, but close enough to know where the smoke and explosion where located.

Good. We don't need more to worry about....Don't jinx me Primes!

Out of breath and ready to collapse. Like I said before, I'm not a runner Alex momentarily wished she had a brownie left. But pushed that thought aside when she saw hw much clearer to two bots had become. Jazz was constantly zooming from one spot to another, trying to keep it random with no patterns. But he wasn't always successful, as proven when calculated shoots from Shockwaves cannon just barely missed Jazz's helm. One making its mark on the ground by his pede. Blasting him backwards as the force of the near impact sent him crashing into the ground, soil and earth flying into the air.

By sheer luck he had landed near Alex. Who in turn wasted no time in getting his attention as she screamed out his name,

"Jazz! Jazz are you alright?"

"Alex?!" The bots optics widened in shock, "What the pits are you doing here l'lady?! I told you to run!"

"And I did. And know I'm asking you if your alright."

"...Uhh, I s'pose, but-"

"Okay great. Now listen I've got something really important I need to tell you."

"What's so important that you needed to rush into a fight!?"

Just as Alex was about to answer, a blast from Shockwaves cannon shoot through the clearing smoke. Causing Jazz to not-so-gently shove Alex away while he barrel rolled to the left. Shooting into the smoke as well as Shockwave came into view.

"Bullocks!" Alex panicked, she couldn't let them kill each other. Shockwave was her guardian and Jazz was her designated uncle. That role might be changed to brother at this rate.

"Jazz! Whatever you do, don't kill him!"

"What?!" The bot narrowly avoided a blast from the cyclops cannon "Why would you say that? He's a con!"

"HE is my guardian!"


"You heard me! Now stop fighting him!"

"As you humans love to say, 'easier said then done' l'lady!" A fine example shown as Jazz got a surprise punch in on Shockwave, earning a loud growl from the con. This did not help Alex's stress levels. Not. One. Little. Bit.

"Well.....Just think of something!"

A blast sent Jazz back by Alex's side as he then shielded Alex from anymore oncoming explosions. Looking down at her with hints of sympathy on his face plate,

"L'lady we're gonna need an actual plan if you wanna convince the big fella over there to believe anything you say to him."

"Well.......I could just talk to him."


"What? I don't think right when I'm all stressed. Ask my boss." Even though he's in another world and probable already fired me

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