Chapter 16

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Three things happened in that moment.

Firstly, both transformers had their guns at the ready, aimed at the human up the hill. Secondly, said human and his robot companion were arguing over a certain robots desire to rip the armour platting of both transformers. And finally, Jazz Jr was trying to escape the bear like grip of a girl who had just met one of the few, in her personal opinion, decent characters from the newer Bayverse film. So in short, Alex was trying not to fan girl.......and it failed.


Alex's shrill screaming grabbed everyone attention,

Jazz facepalmed when he realised why, "Oh pits, here we go again."


What bloody luck!

With a wide grin Alex jumped off Jazz's claw, losing her balance momentarily as she scrambled to ran up the hill towards the bewilded man and robot.

"Oh my giddy aunt! Your Sir Edmund Burton and Cogman! Oh primus, you have no idea how excited I am right now,"

"Oh I beg to differ my dear, not even my own mother would be this happy to see me,"

Alex felt a stomach cramp forming as she continued to jump, but she ignored that feeling and instead tried to tell Sir Edmund and Cogman,

"Your just the people I was looking for! Jazz! Shocky! This is who I wanted us to find! Oh bloody hell there's so much to tell you guys! Well to be honest I doubt you'll believe me, but hey, if a highly dangerous con could believe me, surely you would. I mean you're part of the Order of the Witwiccans, so this shouldn't be to hard for you to except. Though I think I should include the details. Now were to begin...Oh! See this started when-"

"Yes, yes. I'm sure it is. But we don't have time for details, just get to the point."

Alex starred blankly at him.

"I'm from a world where this one is made up and part of a film series."

"...hmm.....yes more detail might be necessary."

"Okay well starting with the facts. I was brought to your world by the Primes because of my knowledge of your future and something to do with my unique mindset or something along those lines. Jazz here was brought back from the dead to help guide me and to not disturb the events that are going to happen in less then a years time. We also went on a wild goose chase to find my chosen guardian that led us, well me actually, to a relic of the primes. Then we ran into Shockwave who wouldn't you know, is my guardian. And then I asked him to teleport us here via ground bridge to here, well you."

"So in short. I'm here because I trust you and I want a base for the autobots, and Shockwave, and I kind of plan on having it built under your land."

Sir Edmund was in deep thought for a moment, thinking over Alex's words and then he smiled as he looked back at Alex,

"Well my dear, your in luck." He turned with urgency, gesturing for them to follow, "Uh...come, come along know, we can discuss a plan on the way,"

"To where? The castle?"

Cogman decided to add sarcasm to the conversation,

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