Chapter 2

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Everything was silent. Everything was still. Everything was...dark. It was kind of peaceful. In a creepy, terrifying where the hell am I sort of way. But she didn't have to wait for long. The next thing she knew, Alex was falling through the darkness. The world quickly forming around her as she watched what seemed to be a forest getting closer and closer.

Hey. Doesn't this mean that I'm-"Ahh fuuuuuucckkkk!"

And she hit the ground with a nice big thud.


Alex knew for certain she definitely bruised her butt. Yet by some miracle she had managed to survive a reasonable fall unscathed. Plus or minus a few twigs and leaves stuck in her hair, as well as dirt that stained her hands and she could only assume there was some on her face. It seemed that everything was in tip top shape. Meow.......


Lifting her head high enough, Alex could see her cat stabbing his claws into the branch of a nearby tree, his fur puffed up and eyes thin slits. Alex was both amused and relieved to see her cat alive and seemingly just as unscathed her.

"Well at least this was all worth it,"

Slowly getting on her feet Alex began to look around her. Yes she knew she was in some kind of forest, but that didn't explain how deep she was, if she was anywhere close to civilisation or if she was even in England anymore. Standing there cluelessly Alex began to panic as she feared the worst. Forgetting a very important item she had in her procession. But what was it.......

Wait a minute....fuck

Reaching into her jumper pocket, Alex grabbed on to her phone, surprised how it had also survived the fall. And what was even better was she still has her keys and purse with her as well, making her chance of survival just that little more likely.

"Okay....okay...just need a signal. If I find a signal, I can get out of here."

She didn't get a signal.

"Oh come on!"

The girl slammed her fist into a tree in frustration, hissing in pain as she pulled her arm to her chest, her knuckles now burning from the brief impact.

Anything else I should worry about?

There was a crack and wail from above. Alex looked up and her eyes widened in realisation,

"Oh bullocks,"

In less then a second Jazz had lost his balance on the thin branch and landed right on top of her head. Digging his claws into her skin. To say it was painful was an understatement.

"Ahh! Gods above! Jazz! Hey! Stop it! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I forgot you were there!"

After a minute Alex managed to finally remove the cat from her scalp. Dropping him on the ground while she looked back at her phone. And she just able to see out of the corner of her eye the death glare been given by her cat.

"Don't look at me like that, your the one who got dragged into that bloody mirror."

Her words earned her a low growl as Jazz began grooming himself. But she chose to ignore it as she focused with finding a certain app, a compass app to be specific.

"Aha!" Alex tapped on the icon "Found you."

Going of what the compass said Alex was facing dead on North....but what good was that?

"Walking in a random direction will just be worse, for all I know I could get even more lost..." Alex ran her free hand through her hair in frustration,

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