Chapter 4

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Jazz stepped backwards behind the trees, giving the girl more space as she screamed and bounced with what could only be described as pure joy. But how could blame her? Alex was actually talking to a real autobot, to JAZZ of all bots. This could not get any better, well maybe if she was meeting mirage.....not that he would appreciate her enthusiasm. And apparently neither did Jazz Jr. He had retreated behind a tree as well, away from Jazz and his excited owner.

"Ooooohhhh my god!" Alex threw her arms up into the air, "Your here! Omg omg omg! And your alive! Oh thank primes your alive!"

Jazz chuckled, stepping up to Alex as she had finally calmed down enough to stand in place....sort of. She was still shaking from excitement. "Yes it's nice to back, though I'm still unclear on how."

Ah. Time for the debriefing, shouldn't take to long...I think....

"I can help with that," she sat crossed legged on the ground, motioning Jazz to do the same as she started her story, "To start this of, my name is Alexandra Rose, but just call me Alex, I'm 19 years old and originally from England. Oh and I'm from a dimension we're all you Transformers are fictional characters."

Jazz started to say something but Alex stopped him quickly, "Ah, ah, ah. All questions can wait till the end thank you."

"So anyway, I came back to my home to find Jazz Jr, the cat." Jazz glanced down at the cat that had made his was into Alex's lap "in my room with what could only be described as a portal and something leading me to this world. Next thing I knew I was in a strange forest with only Jazz Jr as company, lucky for us I had my phone so we weren't completely hopeless." Alex sighed "Okay....I can see this taking a while so I'm going to cut this short. Found a town. Got supplies. Suddenly transported to strange space with one of the thirteen primes. He says I'm meant to change the course of this timeline. And then we find ourselves here."

Jazz stayed silent, taking in her story whilst he tapped a server on the ground in thought, "So I suppose I'm here because......?"

"Ah, well you my dear fellow are to be my guardian."

"I don't think so." Alex tensed

........did he just.....?

"Excuse me?"

Jazz shook his head as he realised what Alex was thinking, "No I mean that I get the feeling I'm not the one the primes have chosen for your guardian." Alex visible relaxed, no longer offended by the bot she considered her favourite.

In an attempt to change the topic Jazz smoothly went back to a point in her story that really caught his attention, "So you are from another dimension?"

"Yes and more specifically from the year 2019."

Jazz's optics widen in shock "So you've seen a lot of change then huh." Alex nodded "And you know the future of this planet and our lives."

Alex nodded in agreement, shivering as she went through all the deaths from the 5 transformer movies. If she wasn't careful they could all actually happen, and no amount of daydreaming could save them here. Alex knew Jazz saw her shiver even in the heat of what must have been summer......wait...................oh fuck no.


In a rushed action Alec pulled out her phone, turning on the screen and watching the time pop up....and the date. It was 2009.........What. The. Fuck.

Noticing her paling face Jazz edged closer, "Alex, you alright down there?"

"It's 2009."

Jazz frowned "But that means we are two years after the first-"

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