chapter 17: Abigail

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I wasn’t paying attention to everything around me. I was too busy lost in thought. Violet blames me for everything. Literally Everything. Her father, her mother, her issues, every single problem she has. Maybe she was right. If I never met him, maybe all of this would have never happened.
“Abigail.” I heard. It was Violet. She was in front of me.
“Yes.” I simply said.
“Please free my mother, she has nothing to do with this.”
I was unsure, “Violet I don’t kno-”
“Pease!” she said, interrupting me, “please.” she said again. I could see the desperation in her eyes. I could hear it. Should I help her? After all she said to me, after all the pain she has caused me? In the end I still loved her, and I wanted to help her. But still.
“Do you love my father?” Violet asked.
I was taken back. I thought of all of of the things Marcus and I did. The day we met, the day we went on our first date, his death. It all came back to me in one second.
“Of course I still love your father.” I replied. I meant every word, every syllable, every energy it took me to say the words, was straight from my soul.
Violet grabbed my hands, “Then please free my mother, you of all people know she wouldn’t do this, she wouldn’t take his ring, and you should know how much of a kind heart he has.”
I remembered what I read from his journal. Violet was right, he would have let Rose go. He had a great deal of worry for her to the point where it guilted him.
I turned toward the cop and said, “while it’s clear she may have did it, I would like like to drop all charges on Rose Jefferson, only  Rose jefferson, because of the possibility her hair fell out of her head only when my step-daughter brought her to our home .”
I didn't want the others to get off scot free.
The police officer nodded and let Rose go. Violet followed the officer into the hallway. I walked out seconds later to see Violet hugging her mother.
I saw Rose’s eyes look directly at me. Not just at my face, but my soul, as if staring at me would somehow combust me into flames. For a second I thought it did, I was sweating from the nervousness. She stood up and said, “What's that white bitch doing here?”
Violet scolded her and said something to her. I couldn’t hear her from where I was standing.
“Can you atleast tell us who the others were?” I had to ask. I was a little angry at Rose herself. She has brainwashed Violet. I wanted to tell Violet so bad, but I had to stay true to Marcus and would hope not showing her the journal would be for the better.
Rose remained quiet so I took it upon myself to keep talking, “It’s ok,” I  said, “All charges have been dropped, just please tell us who were the others.”
Violet still remained quiet, as did I, waiting for Rose’s response.
I finally gave up,“I’ll see you at home.” I said to Violet.
I walked out of the police station. I know Violet would want to be with her mother for a little bit after all of this. I trusted her to get home, safely like always. The main fact was that I did not want her to be there. I was more stressed than ever. I didn’t want to let Rose go, but Violet convinced me when she brought up Marcus. She knew I would do it if she said that. She has her father’s wits, I hope she didn’t have his ability to read people as well.
I went to the nearest store, I was craving chocolate really bad. Once in the store I went to the candy isle. At the end of the aisle there was a little shelf of cigarettes encased in glass. It’s been so long that I completely forgot about my habit. I used to smoke when I was younger. I was dealing with so much back then and cigarettes always calmed my nerves. Too bad I couldn’t smoke without harming the baby.
As I was driving home I was devouring the chocolate and it made me feel better. I guess this was my coping method at the moment. It was like a drug, my craving. It only reminded me of Rose. She coped with drugs and needed her next fix every time her emotions would come back. I guess I could understand that. I wondered if Violets coping method was blaming everything on me, hating me because she refused to hate her mother or her father. I wondered what was Marcus’ cope, for having to deal with Rose.
As soon as I made it home I went straight to the journal. I decided to read it on the couch in the living room and propped myself up with two pillows. I know I said I was reading it to try to understand Violet, but now I was reading it out of pure curiosity. I began to read.

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