Chapter 22: Abigail

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“Step away from her!” I said, “I already called the cops!”
I was pointing a gun at two men. I didn't know what was going on but from what I saw they were trying to molest Violet. I wasn’t going to let that happen.
The two men thought for a second and decided to give in.
I called the cops beforehand. The two men were yelling as they were being put into the back of the police cars. I didn’t pay attention to them. I was worried about Violet, she was quiet. This must of shaken her core. What type of mother would I be if I never decided to follow Violet and something happened to her. My son needs a good mother, and Violet is the only way I can prove my worth.
Violet didn't want to stay long. She hopped in the car with me and we were on our way. It started off as a quiet drive
“Thank you Abigail.” Violet said. She looked at me with sincerity in her eyes. She then looked me up and down.
“Were you following me?” she said.
“Yes, I was.” I said being blunt.
“What? why?”  she replied.
“I don’t know I just had to see what you were doing, I had to check on you, this place is not safe. Hell look what just happened!” I said.
I couldn’t just watch her leave. This time I began to follow her like Marcus did. I had to see if Violet was ok with her mother.
“I don’t care, that gives you no reason to stalk me!”
“Listen Violet, I am your legal guardian. Your mother is a bad influence on you! For god sakes she’s an addict, and from what I saw she’s using!”
All of a sudden I felt Violet’s hands clasp around my neck. It caught me by surprise, but I still kept my hands on the steering wheel. Maybe I was a little too harsh.
“You bitch! You didn’t have to say that about my mother!” Violet screamed.
“Violet Stop!” I yelled back, She didn’t stop. My breath became shorter and my eyes watery. She has no intention of stopping.
“I’m pregnant!”
Violet stopped choking me.
“I’m pregnant,” I repeated, “I have been for about three and a half months. It's a boy.”
I had to tell her to calm her down, who knows how far she would have went. Now that she knew I wondered what would be her reaction, even though I’m sure what it was going to be.
“Who’s the dad?” she asked.
I was hurt by those words. The fact that she would think I would cheat on marcus was appalling.
“Marcus of course. I promise you he is.” I replied.
I pulled into the driveway. I was a little glad, I didn’t want to deal with this anymore. She was becoming overbearing.
It remained quiet for a bit before Violet said, “That bastard of a child will never be my brother.”
I’m pretty sure my skin turned pale when I heard those words. I know this was something I should expect, but I didn't expect her to be so cold about it. She will disown her own brother? Just because I am the mother?
I waited for Violet to leave the car before I did. Once inside I made myself a few snacks instead of dinner. I figured Violet wouldn’t be hungry.
The next day I woke up early and dressed in all black yoga clothes. Once at class we were told to meditate. This was a bit hard for me. The whole point was to calm myself down by only thinking of breathing in and out and nothing else. It was hard. I couldn’t get Violet out of my mind. She could have at least been a lot more thankful for me saving her from those two men. I mean what is wrong with her? I just don't understand how someone could hate someone this much? That was a lie. I did. I was the woman who became her father’s new wife, imagine what that does to a little girl. I never tried to be her mother, I thought she would understand that, but I guess not. I waited too long to try to be a mother to her when she had a mother in her life still. I just wished she saw that a mother isn’t suppose to treat a child the way Rose treats Violet. She’s still blind.
I couldn’t think of a good life with my baby with Violet and I’s rocky relationship. I chuckled at myself. Rocky? It's more like a war, and from my point of view I’m getting wounded pretty badly. It’s a matter of time before I succumb to my wounds and lose the war.
Once at home I changed into normal, comfortable, pink sweats. The whole day was quite. Violet stayed in her room all day. She told me that she had to go to a funeral the next day, and I left her alone. I would have tried to talk to her but I knew it wasn't the right time. I took a few snacks upstair with me, to my room. I sat on the side of the bed and laid the snacks on my pillow. One bag had fell on the side of the pillow. I went to get it and my fingers touched the book. I pulled it from my pillow. I completely forgot about it. With everything that’s been happening I was surprised I didn’t forget my own name.
I remembered the CD at the back. My curiosity was being peaked. I couldn’t imagine what would be on the CD. I would have watched it but Violet was still here, I couldn’t risk her seeing it. I decided to look at it tomorrow while Violet will be at the funeral. I spent the rest of the day in my room.
The next day I woke up a little late. I might have been sleeping for a lot longer if I didn’t have to throw up. I know that Violet should already be gone. A funeral usually lasts about two to three hours. I didn't know when Violet left, but I had to take this chance. I couldn’t wait until she goes to school. It had to be today.
I grabbed the CD from the book and went downstairs to the living room. I slid it in the DVD player and sat down on the couch. I had to press the buttons from the monitor itself since we no longer had the remotes. It was a video from the court battle: Marcus was going against Rose. From what I could tell this video was recorded by someone, and not from the usual perspective of a security camera. It showed a judge, sitting on the judge's bench. A very familiar judge.
This video didn’t start from the beginning of this court battle it was already in the middle or the end. I appeared in the shot, holding a video camera, and sat in the witness’ stand.
“So you have new evidence?” The judge said.
“Yes your honor, I do,” I said back. I turned around, and I was looking at the jury box, “Your honor I as a witness have proof that Rose is still using.”
I opened up the camera screen and showed it to the judge. The video only lasted about thirty seconds.
After the video ended and I sat the camera down on the judge's bench. The judge thought for a moment.
“I know that I already banged my gabble, and gave the custody to Rose, but I will have to renounce my decision. In the case of Marcus Lamar Jefferson v. Rose Williams-Jefferson I give full custody to Marcus Lamar Jefferson, with no visitation rights to Rose Jefferson.”
The video was cut off and another video played. It was clear on my mind again. The video I took so many years ago. I don't know how something like this slipped my mind.
It was Rose. She was sitting down on a porch. I don’t remember where she was at the time. She was wearing her usual attire of a red shirt, and black jeans. Her hair was completely red at the time, and not faded and halfway gone like today. She had a needle and was wearing a belt tight around her left arm. She shot up, and smiled. Her body went limp. The video ended there, before it was cut off again.
The next video popped up and I was taken aback. It was Marcus. He was sitting in his office, wearing a black suit with a red and black striped tie. I remembered that day he wore it. It was no more than two days before his death.
“Hello to whoever found my journal. I’m hoping you read my journal before you found the CD. I want you to know I tried to be a wonderful father towards Violet, even when I was not. I could have done a lot more. I could have told Violet that Rose was in fact…..” He remained quiet. “Evil. Not evil because she is a bad person but because she let the drugs she used take over her life. This CD has all the evidence to prove Rose is unfit, as well as the journal proving I was unfit. I only ask that Violet never sees this. I don’t want her to lose the only other person she had a connection with. Violet. Abigail. I’m sorry for what I am going to do. I love you both. Goodbye.”
The screen went blue. I felt like crying but I didn’t. I agreed with Marcus about not showing this to Violet. This would just break her spirit, or what’s left unbroken by now. The thought though was heavy on my mind. I should show this to Violet. I should tell her but Marcus’ choice was still there. Violet should not see this. For now.
I heard the door open. Alarmed, I quickly turned off the TV with the only remote we had left. It was Violet of course. I know I looked stupid sitting in the dark.
“How was the funeral?” I said, trying to get her mind off of me.
“It was nice.” she replied.
“Mind if I asked who died?” I asked. I was curious.
“A friend of mine died. She was a coach for my mother.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”  
“Thank you. It was somewhat my mother’s fault but it’s something I can get through.”
“Your mother killed someone?” I said with shock.
“No, no, my mother persuaded her back to drugs and she overdosed.”
I know Rose was bad but I still never thought she would do something has shady as that. I was also reassured that Violet is talking calmly to me. I know she tried to choke me two nights ago but I still wanted to better the relationship between us.
“How do you feel, are you ok?” I asked, concerned about her. I wondered how she felt with all of this happening to her.
“I don’t know how I feel about this, to be honest.”
“Well if you have any problems, I want you to know you can talk to me.”
I hope Violet would consider it. I wanted her to know she can find comfortability in me once again. I know this wasn’t the proper time to ask her but this was a proper time to me. She was calm and talking to me so I had to know.
“Can I ask you a question?” I asked.
“Sure.” she replied.
“Do you accept my child?”
Violet remained quiet. She then sighed and began to walk up stairs and said, “I can’t answer that.”
I didn’t know how to react. I guess I should be sad. I was thankful she at least answered me, and didn’t attack me. It meant she was at least warming up to the idea of being a sister.
The rest of the day I stayed in my room. I Made food at dinner time: baked boneless chicken over cheddar broccoli rice. I made a plate for Violet and sat it in front of her door and knocked. I didn't hear the door open. After a while I took the food back, she must have been asleep. I had another plate of food before I went to bed myself.
As I lay in bed, I realized I had to get Violet to either love me as family or treat me with the same respect as her father. I am and I will do everything it takes for the baby. She will respect me at the least, even if I have to drag her as she’s kicking and screaming.

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