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Starla rose up into a hand stand and Kyra grabbed her ankles. She slowly lifted her left arm until it was right by her face. I started to clap for her excitedly, this was big for her. She gave me a smile before Kyra let go of her. She kept her hands there just in case she fell over again. After 30 seconds, Kyra started clapping for her too. Starla put her left hand back on the ground then planted her feet back down slowly to not fall over.

"Wow Starla. That was pretty amazing for a first time!" I smiled at her. I was really proud for our newest member of the squad.

She smiled back, "Thank you Eve. I've been working on it at home everyday."

"With that kind of determination you might surpass Eve." Kyra laughed lightly.

I raised an eye brow at her, I knew she was only joking but still. The only way someone will be higher up in cheer leading than me is if I quit. And I'm not quitting cheer leading. It's my life.

"Have you guys seen the new guy yet?" Kyra looked at us with eager eyes, "He's so hot!"

I laughed and rolled my eyes. Of course there's a new guy and even better, Kyra is the first to know about him and what he looks like. This is very typical, "I haven't seen him."

Starla shook her head, "Neither have I." Well, she's new too so of course she hasn't.

"God, seriously?!" Kyra looked at us with shock. Then she went on to explain how he must have an eight pack under his shirt because he's that built. Honestly, I could care less. I'm not looking for a relationship.

We walked back into the school still in our cheer uniforms and made our way towards the gym. For some damn odd reason, the gym and the sports field are on opposite sides of the school. It's always so frustrating when we have to trek from the field to the gym to change back into our clothes. Wastes way too much time if you ask me.

People were all over the hallway. It's so crowded at this school. I wish they would make the hallways wider, then it would be easier to walk through them without being trampled. You know what, I think we should just tear this school down and build a new one because whoever built this was obviously not planning anything.

Kind of like that cartoon school, Wayside.

Hey, don't judge. I have a younger sister thank you very much. And yes, I do enjoy watching TV with her, even if her shows are very frustrating. Yes, I'm talking to you Dora the Explorer.

When we finally got to the gym, I was sure we had lost Starla. She's still fairly new here and isn't used to the crowds of people. Surprisingly, she made it out alive. The gym had some of the sports jocks inside. This is the time when the cheerleaders practice and the sports teams train. It's always the period before lunch. The rest of my cheer squad was sitting on the bleachers waiting for instructions from either me or the coach just like they always are.

"Ladies, today we are practicing on the field. Go get changed!" I said in the cheeriest voice I could muster. They all smiled with glee and ran towards the change room. Sometime's I'm just as cheery as them, but not all the time. Which would be really bad for a head cheer leader but I'm also a very good actress somedays. Plus, everyone has to have down days.

I felt two big hands on my hips before I was lifted into the air. I squealed slightly from the surprise attack then turned my head to glare at Tyrone. "Put me down." I said sternly and crossed my arms over my chest. He really pisses me off, oh I don't know, all the time!

He chuckled, "I thought you were supposed to be a cheery cheerleader." Please, stereotypes are horrible. He is all about the stereotypes and it just makes me even more angry than usual.

Dragon Wizard - NaNoWriMo 2015Where stories live. Discover now